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Topics - rainer042


recently I recorded a track and when I wanted to stop recording I pressed the "record"-button (red square button in track recording sidebar) and my just recorded track was immediately deleted. I know now I should have pressed the "Pause" button first and then the "record" button. However since I did not want to pause but terminate/save the recoding I thought a press on "record" would do the job. Well it didn't and my track was lost   :(

The problem is that this "record" button has two very different functions depending on the state locus track recording is just in:
1. Store a track if recording is paused
2. Delete a track being just actively recorded

So I would strongly vote in case of (2.) to insert a request for the user to confirm that he really wants to delete his track recording or to insert a third button, so that there a three buttons in the side bar: Start/stop recording, Pause recording and Delete just recorded track.

Have a nice day

I want to use guiding to walk along a track that has already been recorded before. So I make the track visible, then select eg the first point (point 1) of the track and in the menu that appears I select "guide on".

The problem is, that it seems that locus does not draw the "guide direction line" to the point I selected before but to the a point of the track that is the closest from my current position. In settings Routing/Guiding I already turned the option "automatically select best point" off.

Is there a way to get guidance to the very point I manually selected? Is the current  behaviour of auto selecting the closest point desired or a bug?


I am using the latest locus pro version on my mobile. My favotite mapstyle has always been osmarender. However at some point in time it suddenly did no longer work.

When I chosse the osmarender map style all I see on the map display is "connection failed". There is no problem with my internet connection, I can eg use the default openStreetmap map style as well as others like google, mapquest etc and download maps without any problem.

So it seems to be a specific problem with openstreetmap osmarender.

Any idea?
Thanks Rainer
recently I updated to the latest version of locus pro. In my memory I think that before this update the symbol in the middle of the screen, that shows my current GPS position and direction once used to be red. Now it is blue. Perhaps I mix this up with my car navigation app where it definitvely is red but I think it was red in locus as well ... ?

Anyway, I searched in the options if I can change the color to red, since red has in my eyes a better visibility than blue, since blue is darker and red in general is really good visible. On the maps I use most often (OSM marender) there is a "lot of blue", making it even harder to see the GPS icon).

So my question are:
- were there any changes in the recent releases as far as color of the GPS icon is concerned?
- Is there a way to configure the color for this icon? I searched a lot but did not find it. If not, wouldn't it be good if there was such an option, so the user can choose the color that he likes most?
- Recently I noticed that when I start locus and it gets a GPS fix I see a green circle in the middle of the screen. Later on when I moved some meters and then again stop moving, I see the circle again but this time its blue. I know the cirle shows my static position but what do the different colors mean? Again I think I remember that also this circle used to be (always) red....

Thanks a lot

I recently switched to locus pro. Its a really great app with many useful features and a good userinterface concept. Great!

I have been playing around with OpenStreetmap (osmarender) as well as google maps in locus. With both maps there is one problem with the font size of street names as well as names for certain areas that eg in openstreetmap are printed in blue. The fonts in those generated bitmaps are tiny as well as the street names in both OSM as well as using teh google map type. Zooming into the map does not help at all, the text is not scaled up.

However if I use Google maps app on the same phone, fonts are bigger and thus readable. So I guess there must be some kind of parameter that defines the font size in the resulting map and it would be helpful to have this parameter adjustable in locus.  The double display size is a helpful workaround but displaying maps with larger fonts in general would be of course better. So the question is what does eg google maps app do what locus does not or different?

Back to OSM, if I take a look at OSM on my desktop on and look at the same map-type font sizes are ok and redable.

Another strange effect is the load time of maps for an area not already in the map cache. While a download of locus using eg google map data type for an area say 3x3km took about 20sec using wireless lan (so network is not a limiting factor) using the google maps app for the same region needs only 2 sec.  This is a factor of ~10.  Maps once loaded are displayed faster afterwards in locus (2-3 sec) but loading is really slow. Does anyone know why?

Thank you very much