The bug should be fixed now. It was caused by a large gif in the article.
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Show posts MenuQuote from: Graf Geo on June 17, 2022, 17:06:55This is rather a problem of the German translation - the English original is "Re-route" meaning "change the route progress in the route planner". I'll change it to "Route ändern" then. Thanks!
I don't understand why "Routenplaner" was replaced by "Route neuberechnen."
For me this describes a function in navigation, but here it is no recalculation but a modification of an existing track.
Suggestion: Route ändern / editieren / modifizieren... Or rename it "Routenplaner" like it was before.
Quote from: tapio on June 16, 2022, 11:28:55OK, we're renaming it to "Edit track". It is more generic than "repair" or "fine-tune" and the tool in which it is done is called "Track editor". Hopefully this will suit the majority.
"Fine-tune" terminology. Why? I guess to distinguish from Route Planner. But imo it's a weird choice. After all, it is a track editor. And e. g. I don't expect split/merge under fine-tune.
Quote from: balloni55 on November 01, 2021, 07:38:38
@Michal, the link to detailed comperation of first link didn´t work
Quote from: androns on April 23, 2021, 08:27:27Latvian has been added to Crowdin: You're welcome!
Can I help translating this tool to Latvian ?
Unfortunately I don't see possibility to translate to LV in that
Quote from: Bucky Kid on April 10, 2018, 10:01:56I didn't say that
So Strava online maps will never again work? I still can view their maps via web interface as anonymous user.
Sent from my phone using Tapatalk
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on January 25, 2018, 15:05:32Josefe I don't have any feedback so far. Nobody has answered yet.
Did Michale manage to solve the run of Locus on the Galaxy A3? I'm thinking of buying it mainly because of a barometer and running Locus is a priority for me.
CZ: Podařilo se Michale nějak vyřešit běh Locusu na Galaxy A3? Uvažuji o jeho koupi hlavně kvůli barometru a provozování Locusu je pro mě prioritou.