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Messages - T-mo

Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
August 05, 2024, 18:43:40
Quote from: Tapio on August 05, 2024, 15:00:26Menion, please notice. The bottom command bar in point mode is barely shown. This is independent from using fullscreen mode.
But only happens to me with a routeplanner planned track, which I saved, not with recorded tracks.
Only happens at  trackpoint 1 and then subsequently changing to no. 2 etc. With trackpoint 2 the detail popup changes its size with moved overlaying bottom bar, misplaced in the middle close to the location-header. Once I pull the detail popup down to make it smaller, the buttom bar jumps back to bottom, then fully visible, and everything stays fine.
The following users thanked this post: Tapio
maybe try the package installer (if this is due to permissions) or redownload package?
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Other features / Re: Online search
March 11, 2024, 21:18:50
I know OSM is quite heterogenous, but it's still too easy to let the online search fail..results while fueling my private jet :D

(correctly it's McDonald's without blank, white space, and with 's, so it's originally due to the underlying OSM-database. But still fun as being a very popular example about how to handle popular typos, misspellings, multiple entries)
The following users thanked this post: druki
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.21.+ ( 1/2024 )
February 17, 2024, 13:30:42
i experience lot of lags while moving and loading map-areas. To test if this is vector-map+theme related I switched to a raster-map (mbtiles), same there.
Cannot give details, just a change that is noticeable over here.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, luce
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Tapiola
January 21, 2024, 15:01:05
Quote from: Tapio on January 21, 2024, 11:58:43v1.3.9
Guys, I am interested if the "Install latest" in my signature works for you. There's some url forwarding going on and for me it did not consistently work, Locus reported a connect error.
Worked like a charm, see screenshot below. I am using LM4-AFA and checked date of zip and included Tapiola.xml, it's 1 3.9.
Thanks, currently my favourite theme due to chosen colours and also very functional.
(always have to edit my posts afterwards to add pictures)
The following users thanked this post: Tapio
Ich vermute die wird Balloni55 kennen, er nutzt ja immerhin die beta, aber fragt darüber hinaus..
The following users thanked this post: balloni55
scheint auf deutsch im Fachjargon mit 'Exposition' beschrieben zu werden:

zb. Wikipedia und in anderer Sprache:

Ein paar ähnliche Einträge auch unter

The following users thanked this post: Tapio
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.19.+ ( 9/2023 )
November 18, 2023, 15:27:28
Quote from: Tapio on November 18, 2023, 14:03:52
Quote from: luce on November 18, 2023, 11:54:42I think this is what he means.
I think as being a selection-dialog a vertical smaller window does not make sense, there might be profiles with a lot of parameters, and a changing dialog-size is of no real help (uncovered map is of no real value), same with another overlay which might be irritating.
As we can see by Luces screenshots the horizontal space might get slightly optimised, sticking to 3 (current state, some space leftover) or 4 icons with text. 5 is quite compact and might not help with thin gloves on or while being in motion (reduced precision) on bike.
Just some thoughts though reg. this.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider, luce
Other features / Re: Online search
August 26, 2023, 13:44:54
Seems like the filter-chain is not yet optimised.

I used some city names for simple search tests.
Was going for 'Gütersloh' and looked for the search-as-you-type-results.
'Güters' (while typing) is tricky as 'Güter' is a german word for cargo and goods, and street is 'Straße' in german, also starting with s - so you will get a lot of 'Güterstraße' of different towns, not that uncommon.
At least no city 'Gütersloh' as top-posititioned suggestion.
Google does different, quite experienced with searches, they classify search requests by types and top-position towns or other popular interests.
Similar to 'Dor' when going for Dortmund or Dorsten.

Maybe you prefer some close-range-experience, nevertheless I sometimes found myself in a situation to quickly look for some locations due to very different reasons. Currently I go with Google maps.

IMHO some category- and some priority-evaluation makes sense as part of the filter-chain (sorting of available results).
The following users thanked this post: druki
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.18.+ ( 8/2023 )
August 03, 2023, 17:53:23
Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 03, 2023, 00:56:16...But sharing of existing GMaps POI doesn't work/ has different behavior to 4.17. Now LM4 Search will display the shared link as text, for example, and display "No search results" rather than moving to that point. When I open this example URL in my web browser, it displays the correct POI.
I guess that is about PlaceIDs and requires API-usage, if possible at all.
This can not be simply decoded or parsed like simple MapURLs with lat-lon. Currently only sharing a nearby set marking seems to be of help.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
- opening of side panel has a small moment of stuck, not completely smooth
- pic expert settings - value might be strange, don't know. I better leave it like it isYou cannot view this attachment.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
the previous point/track visibility toogle was perfect.

Only downside was a state dependent case: visibility state was set to 'not show', and then you decide to enable single points or tracks. Then of course you won't recognise your changes until you decide to toogle the visibility back to 'show'.
Well at least this could be irritating if there's only 1 point or track and you wonder why it can can be seen AND you are missing the current state in map-screen menu.
maybe a rare scenario, though happened to me

Solution could be to toogle visibility  to 'show' in case of 'not show' during event 'enabling points or tracks'. Maybe only with point/track count 1.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Really like the new 'map-screen content'-menu. Quick access to theme's options, superb!

Slow opening already noted.

when having point- or track-layer set to no-show-state and then enabling points or tracks them get of course not shown. This might be irritating or understood as disfunction, definitely with only 1 point or track. Maybe show-state should be automatically switched to 'show'?

Bug: with track-layer set to no-show and then going to track-details, the preview-image with map does not get shown and when hitting the go-to-map-icon Locus runs into problems and jumps back or crashes.
With track-layer set to show everything is normal.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Other features / Re: Online search
May 29, 2023, 12:14:36
@Radim V:
I interpret Michael's post as feedback of his current user experience.
Of course a server side database and search- and filter- tool-chain needs it's time to be developed and to mature, and building such an online-search is a bigger project.
Though user-input- and display-framework is a another thing.
I guess Michael prefers the choice within L to also profit of G-API and G-results, app-side. That would be a 2nd block/path behind the scene which might already be available and not active.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Other features / Re: Online search
May 25, 2023, 22:55:59
IMHO the current updated experience is really way better. Results to typed searches are a lot faster, before the blue circle was rotating and nothing happened (I even missed the magnifying glass in my focussed eye-catching area and thought 'what now?')..after a long while those far distant results appeared - now I get immediate results and even good related suggestions like categories.

See images attached, I searched for a franchise, there are several around.
IMHO the auto-results are not very helpful as very similar and hitting the search to get to the map results are different but okayyyy as I see the map and can choose, but there is a Munich entry - well that is 500km away..
I still cannot collapse the keyboard as the 3 buttons are hidden, I have to swipe from top to bring them in and then can collapse keyboard and see all entries.
The following users thanked this post: Jan Čapek