I think Saturo is right, the Tiramisu Velo Theme has to be changed to also show highway=path + bicycle=designated at least.
In OSM, a path is any way which is not meant for motorized traffic. This must not necessarily be a small path in the woods.
See OSM Wiki: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dpath -> "Usage as a universal Tag"
It's also used for combined foot- and cycleways. Both of Saturos examples seem to be such combined ways (note that he changed the tagging to highway=cycleway in the meantime, which might be incorrect).
You can find many of such ways:
If there is no cycle route going over it, these ways are invisible in Tiramisu Velo, although perfectly suitable for bikes.
In OSM, a path is any way which is not meant for motorized traffic. This must not necessarily be a small path in the woods.
See OSM Wiki: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dpath -> "Usage as a universal Tag"
It's also used for combined foot- and cycleways. Both of Saturos examples seem to be such combined ways (note that he changed the tagging to highway=cycleway in the meantime, which might be incorrect).
You can find many of such ways:
If there is no cycle route going over it, these ways are invisible in Tiramisu Velo, although perfectly suitable for bikes.
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