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Locus Map / [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 12/2024 )
December 05, 2024, 14:47:55
New Locus Map (4) version

Important links
- list of news of public versions
- Public versions
- Beta versions

3. 12. 2024 - Locus Map 4.27.0
5. 12. 2024 - Locus Map 4.27.1
The following users thanked this post: Diddi
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
December 05, 2024, 12:49:18
Why the change? I'm using only dark mode, so I've not noticed before (or just ignored it). Previously, the rotating button itself had a white background. As the only active icon on this screen. So definitely a bug. If you have an idea for a better icon, it is welcome.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Thanks for this bug report.

To speed up rendering, tracks are split into multiple lines in case, any coloring or symbols are used => impossible to fill now easily, because whole line is not a single line in the code.

If this may be a major limitation to anyone, there is a solution that will cause a performance reduction, but for now, I'll correctly disable this functionality.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
November 27, 2024, 16:26:00
New Beta version uploaded

   - chg: (AUTO) enabled access only for Gold Premium users
   - chg: (AUTO) massive rework of orientation handling, mainly for Android Auto system
   - chg: (AUTO) major update in handling clicks on the map and handling negative search/nav results
   - add: (AUTO) option to disable automatic day/night mode
   - add: (AUTO) option to enable/disable simulation of navigation (Beta)
   - add: Event caches display start/end date at start of the listing
   - fix: (AUTO) paused map rotation when map screen lost focus
   - fix: (AUTO) problem with error during address search
   - fix: incorrectly working "Clone line style"
   - fix: arrow icon for the compass rotation
   - fix: incorrectly visible distance marks in high zoom levels
   - fix: crash when recording audio over Locus API intents
   - fix: unable to edit time notify value in POI Alert
   - fix: logging a geocache on a live map doesn't change the icon of the cache
   - fix: re-initialization of WMS/WMTS maps after the clear of the cache
   - fix: correct "owner" icon for visible geocaches over live map
   - fix: downloading of lab caches when difficulty, terrain or size based filter is defined
   - fix: some of the dashboards can't be selected into a preset
   - fix: rarely not working WMS map in case of multiple selected layers
   - fix: incorrectly read NMEA messages from some USB GPS devices
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, Graf Geo, Jochen
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 26, 2024, 19:45:22
Thanks @freischneider .
Anyone who thinks, Locus Map and Android Auto do not make sense, discuss it in this topic here and good luck  :)
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold, Tapio
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 26, 2024, 13:59:26
Not the best place for an explanation of AA priorities, so just shortly:
- by our stats, 25% of users use Locus Map also as a car navigation, so almost the same amount as for example Geocaching.
- a big part of users who demand this feature are motorbikers, and I have a weakness for them  :-X
- big topics: yes, they are, but many of them are waiting on changes on servers or iOS platform
- Android Auto is also very limited, so I'm very close to its limits. Not much more may be done now.
- I also have my own curiosity > one big reason why I've started with it  :D

... and probably some others. Oki, I know, and I write everywhere that Locus Map is primarily for hike & bike, but this is one big, interesting and useful functionality, that took a minor time compare to for example new MyLibrary.
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold, Tapio, freischneider
- čas eventu > pokud sjedeš níže, je i v detailu kešky čas ukrytí, to by mělo sedět na datum konání eventu
- zmíněné obrázky by měl stáhnout GC Offlinizer v případě využítí "GC API" zaškrtávátka při jeho spuštění. A pozor, jak psal Lukáš, v tomto případě to opravdu trvá a stahuje se cca 5 keší za minutu.

- lab kešky pokud filtr definuje DTS > opraveno
- owner ikona > díky, opraveno
- obrázky > ověřuju to raději, a opravdu G4L žádné obrázky nestahuje, to prostě ani nelze aktuálně udělat. Obrázky stahuje Locus Map přes GC Offlinizer, nebo při otevření detailu bodu/listing a pak se to řídí "Auto-load images" nastavením.
The following users thanked this post: lukasMK, PavelTT
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 25, 2024, 14:10:27
A small excuse ... I plan a new big version next week and Android Auto should be the main part of it. So, My Library will be again the priority once the version is published, thanks for understanding.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, freischneider
Fix already done (next version).
The following users thanked this post: Graf Geo
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
November 22, 2024, 19:49:34
Ah thanks, This is an accidental change caused by my desperate attempt to display the coloring icon in Android Auto. Thanks a lot, I'll fix it!
The following users thanked this post: balloni55, Andrew Heard
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 22, 2024, 15:27:30
Hi guys,

I've just generated and uploaded the beta version based on changes of the recent app version. No visible changes, just a big bunch of minor internal optimizations. I had a week full of Android Auto + pre-release fine-tuning + team meeting.

Search for tracks
Currently, when you tap on the search, you may easily see sorted all available content. Sort by location in the My Library match Expert settings > Default search/sort location. So by default, it sorts by distance from the last known location. You may change it to the center of the main map.

Limit by distance > hmm, this is currently in the filter for points. For tracks it may be quite a challenge.

Display only certain activity type > again already in the filter.
The following users thanked this post: Tapio, Andrew Heard
Díky pánové,

předně, nová Beta verze snad problém s errorem a následnou nefunkčností je vyřešen. Díky Likáši za log, pomohl!

Odnáším si tedy:
- nějakou úpravu pro rychlejší stažení keší dle parametrů aktuální live mapy
- možnost vypnutí filtru pro live mapu
- nestahování lab keší při aktivním filtru na D/T/S

u multitiny jsou waypointy již součástí bodu, tady se musí dotahovat.
Používá se tohle API:, kde tedy ano, stage jsou dostupné tady: . Jen při běžném stahování by se musela každá labka stáhnout extra, hmmm ...  :-\

na to se teda musím podívat, protože tohle G4L ani umět nemůže, technicky to již není možné.
The following users thanked this post: PavelTT
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.26.+ ( 9/2024 )
November 22, 2024, 12:54:33
Hi guys,
Beta just published on Google Drive.

   - chg: (AUTO) improved scaling of vector map texts
   - chg: (AUTO) improved centering button login (+force-enabled "Hold map center")
   - add: (AUTO) "Play voice commands" toggle in settings
   - add: (AUTO) automatic selection of previously used navigation profile
   - chg: Field Notes add-on Pro for all for free
   - add: support for additional cache types over GPX
   - chg: Audio Coach button colorized by the state
   - chg: united style of visibility button in the map items
   - chg: persistent name of Via point when defined manually
   - add: support for (soon coming) turn left/right BRouter instructions
   - fix: crash when Audio Coach event miss custom icon
   - fix: minor fix in incorrect Geocaching login message
   - fix: not working base online maps on Android 8.0 and older
   - fix: not working download of paid Via Francigena routes
   - fix: disabled Audio coach after backup of settings
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 18, 2024, 09:07:38
"dev" version > sorry, it is our internal test version, removed

complex labels > ah, I've completely forgotten about this setting. Fine ...

@Andrew Heard
thanks for the ideas!

move & copy in the style of file browsers > we were thinking about it and decided to keep old system. It has its positive and negative of course and we were not sure which one is better > so rather stick with system that we know it already works.

editing options > the idea here is to unite all methods to be available from within a certain folder/point/track. Reason for this was to get rid of three-dot menu in the folder item and replace it for the eye (so united with points/tracks).

"My library" name > you do not like it? Better "Library" than "Data" I believe  :)

"No-go" points > I know. Already discussed. No-go points are not in the database, so I'll have to change whole system a little more to make this possible.
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager), V2
November 15, 2024, 09:28:10
Sorry for the week of silence on my side. I was fully focused on the Android Auto that will be part of the next release.

Graf Geo asked for some estimates - good question. Sync system is already working in our testing environment. With Andorid only it is easy > problem? Restore backup. With sync it is more complicated.
Anyway, release > we are searching for the third web developer this year. Two previous, eh. Skilled and reliable developers seem to be a problem. My idea, when I started to work on this in Jan 2024 was a September this year. Now I hope in January 2025. In the worst case (99%) March 2025 on all three platforms (web, iOS, Android). But still ... do not expect on other platforms features we fine-tune here.

"Complex labels" > thanks for the video, but I'm still unable to simulate it  ???. I've at least made a minor change, maybe it will help (probably not). Hmm ... it will need a version with logs.

"mount of GPX folder structure" > no please  :). We may later think about some kind "import whole structure", but it should be a bigger change and to be true, I hope it won't be necessary.

Btw. sharing of a single folder already exists as an idea here and is planned on the next year. This big change is a necessary step.

edit folder & lost sort > thanks, fixed

bigger thumbnails > I want it too, but there is currently a technical problem. I plan a "Grid" layout later, but it needs "UI style per folder". So later ...

"eye" button not reflect value back to My library > thanks, will look at it.

@Andrew Heard
move and copy of folders > yes, it is as I wrote.

scroll breadcrumbs when new folder is added > when you add a new folder, you do not directly jump into it. So new folder is not visible at the top breadcrumbs so there is nothing to scroll.

space between items > I was already testing smaller spaces, but the panel started to be a small mess, so rather not.

back to the map immediately > simply tap on the top-left "X" button

inspiration from Solid Explorer > I saw it too and like it  :D, was just lazy to do something like this :)

@Graf Geo
crash when folder icon is missing > ah, thanks, fixed

"show the first X" under folder > hmm, a little more complicated here as it also (may) consider sub-folders. Also, in moment you tap on the folder, it is not perfectly clear if there isn't any filter and how the folder and inner folders are sorted - that usually affects the selection. So no, sorry. Small tip > open the folder and long-click on "select" button to get old "show/hide" menu.

thanks for test, appreciate it!
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard, Graf Geo