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Messages - mzperx


I think there is no "the best suitable models for Locus". The addon can run on newer and on older devices too. I have Samsung Gear Live (it was released in 2014) and the addon works fine for me.
There is no special requirements for the watch because this addon is only a visual extension of the phone applicaton. It doesn't use any special hardware of the watch (eg. hearth rate/gps etc...) it shows only what the phone collected.
I suggest that you choose a watch what best fits your requirements (functionality/looks like etc...) and then you can ask it here may someone has experience with that watch with Locus.
The only thing what I would consider if bought a watch the hardware buttons. In my experience the touch screen is unusable when it raining. The actual addon doesn't support buttons but maybe it will in the future.
Hi Milan,

thank you for this addon! Saturday I did a 3 hour workout with this addon and it worked fine. It was stable and fast. I used 1.5 hours with "display always on" mode and 1.5 hours with "display always on" disabled. In the first case the application consumed abut 10% battery and in the second case about 35%.
I have Nexus 5x with Android 8 and Samsung Gear Live with Android Wear 1.5.
One can use "always on" mode in workouts <3 hours and for longer workouts the "always on" mode should be disabled.

Some suggestions:
#Wet clothes can cause unexpected touches on the screen this is why better if you put recording controls to different page or combine the controls with unimportant statistical data in this case the user will not leave the screen here and it will not cause any unexpected touch a trouble with recording.
#Device and wear battery level indicators and/or alerts,
#configurable statistical data (what I want to see in the stat panel is depends on the workout),
#configurable ambient mode (invert mode on/off)
Developers / v 3.22.0 and periodic updates
March 07, 2017, 19:33:13

since version 3.22.0 it seems that the periodic updates function doesn't work anymore for me. First I tested it with my fork of android wear addon and I thought that I messed up something, but after removing my version and installing your provided addon apk the result was the same.

Of course periodic updates is enabled in the settings.
I have Nexus 5 with Android 6.
Developers / Re: Locus API, out of route alert
March 06, 2017, 17:30:52
Hi Menion,

it was my guess, thank you for the answer!
Developers / Locus API, out of route alert
February 28, 2017, 11:09:30

I would like to add "out of route" alert (vibration) to the android wear plugin.
Can I catch it through locus API? Of course it is relevant if navigation is running on the phone.
Developers / Re: Locus API, get heart rate value
January 06, 2017, 12:34:59
Thank you I think this is what I'm looking for, I will try it!
Developers / Re: Locus API, get heart rate value
January 06, 2017, 11:54:18
Hello Menion,

thank you for your fast reply!
I have already found the function and the object and I have already added hrmAvg and hrmMax to my fork of the add-on, but I would like to add the actual heart rate value too (the actual heart beatings) this is what I have referred to in my first post.
I have found neither UpdateContainer nor TrackStats contains this value this is why I think I should extend they with this value. But the question is how can I obtain the actual heart rate value. Is it supported by Locus API?
Developers / Locus API, get heart rate value
January 05, 2017, 16:19:37

is it possible to retrieve the actual heart rate value from Locus API? I would like to extend the "Locus Map - add-on Wearables" to see the actual heart rate on the watch.