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Messages - chachi

Maps / Re: Downloading maps
March 23, 2015, 13:01:39
No probs, thanks. Now if only there could be a view similar to Google's where you're following an arrow, is this possible? I can't seem to change the views.
Maps / Re: Downloading maps
December 29, 2014, 22:34:06
Quote from: balloni55 on December 29, 2014, 13:35:24
QuoteAlso surely there must be a mirror where you can download
not mapquest, but nice vectormaps ;)
Locus/Menue/Downloads(Locus Store)/Land/Australia/....
for new users the first 3 maps are free for download ;D
have fun

Thanks for that, so within Australia I can choose states for e.g Victoria and under that there is Asamm SW, is this correct?

Update: I downloaded Victoria, seems ok, only thing I'm not sure about is main roads, freeways, highways only show numbers like S27 instead of actual names yet smaller roads are labelled their correct names, is this normal?
Maps / Downloading maps
December 29, 2014, 12:59:36
hello, when I download chunks of map in this case Mapquest Classic and these chunks are named certain things like the town for e.g does this mean that I am putting together slowly a puzzle by downloading the pieces? What's the point of naming each section you download if you're slowly compiling the country by download sections of it?

Also surely there must be a mirror where you can download the whole country or a state to prevent load on their servers. Downloading one state is agonizingly slow.

I'm planning to setup an old android phone which won't have 3/4g, hence the reason why I am hoping to get some states in Australia.