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Messages - biship

Says to use RMAPS Sqlite (I do this and it works fine in the latest version of Locus Map).

MOBAC supports many DB's now:

As does Locas Map:[]=openandromaps

Is there a better DB to use in Locus Map now than RMaps SQLite? RMaps SQLite has limitations (as described on the MOBAC page).

The guide is 14 years old and I am just wondering if there is a newer recommendation now?
Nice update, still a fantastic app. Now how do I modify the Travel Times profiles? :)
My rest times while hiking are much shorter.
I have no problems being a testing rabbit :)
Quote from: menion on February 05, 2014, 20:13:16
thank you. I have to try more devices, because again on one I use for developing, it works :/

If it helps, I am running a US Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III w/Android 4.4.2.
And I created my SQLITE DB's with Mobile Atlas Creator 1.9.15 (and they worked up until todays build).
None of my personal sqllitedb maps load with the Feb 5 update. They just say loading.
I even removed them, cleared all caches and re-added them.
Previous test from Jan 31 worked (as does pro).