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Any idea ?
The opacity is not applied in Locus v3 and v4;
While the width is applied in Locus v3 and v4.

Test file 1 import by topografix > Garmin extension NOK
(The opacity is OK in gps visualizer and in gpx-studio)
If Garmin is first than topografix the opacity is applied.

Testfile 2 import by topografix > OsmAnd extension OK.
If OsmAnd is first than topografix color is not imported in OsmAnd.

Update: After several more tests.

The extension order finally turns out to be very IMPORTANT !
See the attached file 3
Contains extensions Garmin > Topografix > xsi (Osmand reads this)
This extension order should be EXACTLY respected.

Garmin by garmin.
Track: color.

Locus 4.27 by topografix.
Track: color + opacity + width.
+ TBT guiding through the gpx navtrack !

Osmand 4.9.10 by xsi.
Track: transparancy-color + width.
Waypoint icon: transparancy-color.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 12/2024 )
December 06, 2024, 13:57:53
Quote from: balloni55 on December 06, 2024, 12:29:49for others, i struggled a long time to import ""

Should sure be better documented and or indicated as hardly anyone will be able or detect how to export and import icon packages this way.
A compact gpx route import is possibly fast but after that the slower processing has yet to begin. The app router has to calculate a track to follow and that is an intense process that can take quite a long time and of which you also have to wait and see the result whether you like it or not. Contrary if you import a TBT navigation track, all the necessary is already there. Import press start and go.
Advantages ? None.

Locus simply replaces all (trkpt)trackpoints with (rtept)routepoints.
The export so contains a "direct" gpx route which hardly anyone uses.

When reimporting into Locus, it has serious disadvantages.
As Locus then converts every route point into a waypoint.
This has no added value but mainly pollutes the display.
The app becomes agonizingly slow or possibly crashes.

A rte (route) should only contain the via and shaping routepoints.
Through these route points the route planner can so recalculate.
The chance that the result is different from original is quite high.
Using routes is like a game of chance it often does not result in what you expect.
Cursors / Icons / Voices / [Icons] Color me
November 22, 2024, 18:04:00
Useful and nice icon packs are available for Locus.

Some contain the identical base icon in color variants.
A fine pack from the Locus store is the NPS b/w icon pack.
Adding color variants in this rather large pack is unattractive.

Anyway you can apply heading scale and color by the kml IconStyle.
Such imports gives a fine result in both Google Earth and Locus map.
Notice a single white icon dot so allows to represent wpt's in any color.

- Current Locus does NOT exploit the IconStyle for compiling waypoint icons and the associated kmz exports!
- IconStyle applied in a simple offline klm file can usefully color an app default simple white dot waypoint icon.
A simple test kml file with IconStyle color is attached.
Import into Google Earth.
- Since the GE default pushpin body is yellow, unfortunately you can only combine red and green.
- Only the white needle of that default GE yellow pushpin allows itself to be correctly colored in blue.

Find In attachment zip.

- A kmz file shows what is possible with a b/w icon from the NPS pack.
- A gpz file shows what is currently possible with the same NPS b/w icon.
Import into Locus 4.26+, set display only, and compare both results.
Import by kmz or gpz does not require the receiver to provide an icon pack.

Notice the nice usefull kmz extra by applying the kml IconStyle.
This extra can be done without extending the b/w icon pack.

- Also through gpz transfer any icon and additonally transfer attachments plus TBT navigation track instructions.
- The gpx standard does not offer IconStyle but an extension imitating the kml_kmz IconStyle should do the trick.
This unique combination can be realized quite easily with Locus, but is not exploited due to lack of awareness.

A small test pack of icons asking to be colored is included.
This "white" pack contains mainly icons provided by slarti76.

Translated with (free version)
As above with a text editor.

I suppose the intention is to just add a via point for the announcement @ navigation this without triggering a recalculation ?
Once in a very distant Locus past you could easily create this with the track editor. With current versions you can't do this anymore I don't think anyway.
Since I hardly still use the Locus route planner anymore because of an easier alternative, I may not have noticed another Locus map possibility yet.

By means of Notepad++, you can promote EVERY track point (if you know exactly which one) into a via track point.
You edit the corresponding track point (no typo..track point) and then add a sym with pass_place text.  Done.
If you want a custom announcement you can also add a name tag text in that same track point without any problem.
After the track import Locus will recognize all this as a via track point and announce it in the navigation as well.

However, I suspect that almost nobody will want to do that very cumbersome detour via Notepad++.

Translated with (free version)
You added an ordinary waypoint this way, not a navigation via(way)point. What you need is a via(way)point which you create using the route planner.
The file contains a gpx (trk) track with 7 track points.
Apparently a gpx (rte) route_routepoints is expected.
Locus web does not offer gpx (rte) route exports.
So import this simple track in the Locus map app
In Locus map app export select as gpx rte route.
After re-import Locus sees route points as via's.

Performant handling of gpx files is as described here.
Few apps (inc Locus) offer this so performantly but anyway still simple.
I know of one, but advertising in the Locus forum is delicate isn't it ?
Alles das neigt nach links =  - (daah)
Alles das neigt nach rechts = .. (dit dit)
Gerade aus = ... (dit dit dit)

U-turn = .._ (dit dit daah)
Ankunft = ._ (dit daah).

Via punkt = _ (daah)  (Niederige frequenz).
Quote from: azzurinho on October 29, 2024, 10:42:16hoffte aber noch auf Leichteres !?

Locus map und Leichteres ?  :-\  :'(
Locus map simplify ist eine alte Absicht die nicht umgesetzt wird.
Wie auch immer, es wird wahrscheinlich nicht allzu schwierig sein, Samuels Stimme aus dem Locus Store herunterzuladen ?
Optimaler wäre es natürlich, wenn diese Ton stimme bereits standardmäßig vorhanden wäre in Locus map.
Die anderen Einstellungen & extra.
Dass Locus nützliche extra wie Durchsagezeit(en) in der config.cfg versteckt, bleibt ein Rätsel, zumal der notwendige Zugriff auf Android/data fast unmöglich ist.
Da sollte man sich lieber für eine Installation in Android/media entscheiden.

Und auch dies. Eine Kombination aus normalem TTS und einem Ton als abschließende Anweisung könnte möglicherweise auch das bieten, was Sie wollen.
Aber wie man an der Anzahl der Stimmen sehen kann, ist kaum eine Katze daran interessiert.
Viele Nutzer sind nicht so scharf auf solche initiative. Sich zu beschweren ist einfacher.

Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 16, 2024, 10:32:11
Map clutter ?
Waypoints: Don't select or use discrete wpt icons. (Garmin waypoint)
Warnings: Menu > settings > points & tracks > alerts for route > (un)set.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 12, 2024, 12:35:59
- Contains the Icon flags source attribution :)
The flags are not present in Locus store.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 09, 2024, 19:08:33
Locus map BETA.

- Associate gpz extension with Locus map 4.
- Advised import mode is "display only no save".
- Import and test the attached gpz file result.
  icons - images - pdf - navigation.

The gpz contains a gpx file enriched with navigation instructions plus pictures and pdf document.
Displays automatically any icon inclusive hotSpot definition like the flags provided by Slarti76.
Transfer any icon without your correspondent needs to install extra additional icon packages.

PIXELS px ? Or better dp ?

I still know of no app that uses mm width inclusive Locus map.
It should be better to add this extra info in the Locus manual.

Devs prefer the Google dp unity as in kml.
Device independent pixel, which is a 'virtual'pixel.
Based on one pixel at a 160 ppi display.
One 1 dp so equals 1/160 of inch or 0.15875 mm.
