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Messages - Chris8080

Nope .. I don't find a download as well.
I was wondering about a technical approach. To display these tracks, there musst be a file with coordinates or similar on the Server.
I'm wondering where this is stored and I'd like to copy those coordinates into a kml file then.
(or if there is an easier way to get it working, I'd be up for it as well ;) )

I'd like to cycle around there:
I've already got the maps - is there any way that I can download/copy the tracks to my phone?

Yes, really strange.
I simply had to reinstall it and now everything works fine - I can even see both of the paths in the information tab. :)
Thanks for your help. :)

I've got some 50 tracks, points and 5 personal maps that I used quite frequently.
Lately my phone wanted to have an update (from 4.x to 4.1.2) and now I can't access any of my maps/tracks anymore.

Before, my sd card/Locus was:

Now it is:

But Locus won't recognise it anymore.
What's the problem there? A Locus one or an android one?
