Quote from: "tommi62"Hi New Daddy (you're really a new daddy?),
here's some info about your question: http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php/manual ... img_to_sql
But there is no chance to run Locus on your phone.
1. Yes, I'm really a new daddy. I have been one for a few years though.
2. I had no idea I had iPhone as my phone. I have an Android phone, so I can definitely run Locus. I have Locus Pro in fact.
3. The link you posted seems like a how to on turning a vector .img map into a raster map. I'm interested in achieving two things, neither of which may be possible for now. First, I'd like to turn a vector .img map into a vector map for Locus, not a raster map. Secondly, I'd like to convert routes, tracks, and waypoints in proprietary garmin formats to proper Locus format. Maybe waypoints are easier, but when you look into garmin .img maps, routes have additional information such as arrows, color, speed limit, etc. I'm hoping information like this is also properly incorporated in the converted Locus vector map. I guess this is more of a wishlist than a question.