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Messages - Keksbande

Thanks for the analysis. I will try your suggestions.
I installed this new version. It took me longer to get Locus to crash, so there is at least hope ;) I am just creating the next bug report and will send it, once it has been generated.
I have created a bug report and sent via mail to Locus Map <>
Troubles & Questions / Crashes, crashes, crashes
October 10, 2024, 07:30:35
Since 4.26.1 was installed on my device Locus keeps crashing randomly when just moving around the map. Sometimes I can work a few minutes, but more often it crashes every few seconds.

Userid: 74bfed507.

There is no dedicated error message, just "Locus Map wurde beendet".

I would like to roll back to the previous version just for testing whether this would help. I really need Locus to work for the upcoming weekend. Where can I find the apk for the previous version?
I just found another thread in the other locus forum, which has much more information and discussion:
Confirmed from my side, too. I just tried to update any cache from locus or search for caches. The action are ignored, nothing happens.

The only geocaching related things I get to work is the old 3rd party app, which I fortunately still have installed.

This needs to fixed with high priority.
The ticket I had opened for this problem in Github (for GC4L) was closed half an hour ago as fixed. So Arcao seems to do changes from time to time.
Wow! You are my hero  :) I love Locus and I am glad that I will be able to keep it.

Unfortunatly the decision you talk about does not really help.

Yes, we can see the overview of possible lists to be imported with the old APK.

But with the old APK the "update problem" was also reproducible when importing lists.
See my post from the September 16, 2022, 14:09:05 in your linked topic: "The problem is getting worse and worse. At first it concernced only mysteries, but these days I can neither update more than about 50 to 100 geocaches together nor import lists which contain more than a few caches."

So going back to the old APK does not help at all.

But at least I found a kind of workaround yesterday. The good old pocket queries still seem to work. And this allowed me to import some stuff.
I created

I have no real hope that this will be solved by Arcao as Menion said in the thread for the other (now finally solved) problem, that Arcao is no longer active.

So probably another of these problems which will in the long run make Locus unusable for us geocachers :(
I call the 3rd party feature "Geocaching/Import Lists".

Instead of the overview of all lists, which I could import, I get an endless waiting circle. See screenshot.

I have reduced the number of lists in my account, just to be on the safe side, but this did not change anything.

I cannot say for sure when it worked last, but I would say that about 2 weeks ago I could still use it successfully.

Could the problem be somehow connected to the changes in the pocket query API, which were published recently?

Locus Version 4.12.1
UserID 106d6ebd7

Thanks a lot. I tried with a long list of more than 5000 geocaches, and it worked fine.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Error while updating caches
September 16, 2022, 14:09:05
Hi Menion,
I would like to push this topic again. Could you please tell me, if there is any chance that this will be solved somehow? The problem is getting worse and worse. At first it concernced only mysteries, but these days I can neither update more than about 50 to 100 geocaches together nor import lists which contain more than a few caches. If there is no solution planned, I must think about abandoning Locus and try to find some other app. But I LOVE locus and I really want to keep it.
Please help us!
Greetings, Keksbande
Just want to add, that I have been experiencing this same problem for at least a year or more. I always try to reduce the number of geocaches to be updated at one time by heavy filtering. But this VERY tedious. I would very much appreciate if this topic was pushed a bit and somehow solved.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: FieldNotes Pro
August 01, 2018, 20:54:37
Thanks a lot.  :)

I have no idea why the search did not find the post in the German forum, which i really could have understood ;)

After having found out which of my mail adresses I orignally used for the store, field notes pro now works again.