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Messages - CabrioTourer42

"Wasn't there a web page with the beta APKs. somewhere?"

Link is at the bottom of every menion post. Check the one on page 6.
The bug I mentioned above is already fixed in 4.1.1.
Sorry I missed something.
Where I can find the new Version? Beta links still points to V4. 0.
On Google Play it's 4.1.0
In track list. When clicking on a track the new track screen is on the bottom. At the top there is a small window which shows the map and the track.
This works when the track is marked as visible. When the track is not visible the upper window doesn't show the track and even doesn't show the map.

Just a sidenote. Because the window is so small is more or less impossible to do something useful as zoom in/out etc. That's why I dont see a need for a dedicated button to switch to the main map.
It would be more logical if every click into the window switches to main map.(As in the past)
A better solution would be to make the window much larger and keep the Button but I think it's a too big change.
Quote from: slarti76 on April 28, 2021, 15:17:27
I also for a while notices an almost 1s delay when opening the main menu on my (slower) smartphone. Anybody else have that problem?

Not for me but I'm using a 2020 flagship phone.
Just a note for Dark theme.

I use a lot of own icons for my points. The main color I used is black on transperant background. This was fine in light theme. In dark it means they are often not visible in dialogs but still fine for the map.

So the problem in dark theme is that the background for icons are light for the map but dark for dialogs. In light theme it's always light.

I don't know if the default icons have the same problem. So this might be a problem just for me.

At least for me it would be nice if the background for icons are the same in dialogs which means light. But I don't know if this is a bigger change.
In new Version I love the dark mode. Thanks!

One question. Settings/Point and Tracks/. There is a selection what should happen when Track is selected (Popup or Details).
There is also a Popup Content Setting. I think these two settings are no longer needed and can be removed.
Yes, but the main color in the map is light. Means it switches from some light color to another light color.
In dark theme the contrast of the switch is much higher bec it's light to dark and back to light.

In light theme it looks like a redraw. In dark theme it looks like there is something wrong ongoing.
I know thats just human feeling. At least for me it's so weird that I decided to use light. I interact more with the map than with dialogs.
I used dark mode in the past but came back to light.
The only reason why I don't use dark mode is the map redraw.
When zoom in or out the not drawn parts of the map gets black and switches back to light when the map part was drawn
The result is a disturbing black-light switching when dealing with the map.

Would be nice if you can fix this.
My segments are dated 04/15 with update time set to 4 days.
I noticed Akku "Optimizer" for Locus was enabled. I disabled it and will check again in 5 days.
This "Optimizer" are always a mess. I think it's related to this. See
I get an error code 11361. "Please update your Google Play App" when calling "Abonnement". There is no update available.
Happens on a Lenovo Tablet Android 7.1.1
I lost my Abo.

I'm Gold and tried to setup my second device.
Because Password Problem I reset it and setup a new one.
Then I logged in in both devices. Both shows Ad bec no Abo. I go to Locus store and pressed the head in the right upper corner. Then "Sync Product Abo...". It says "No Abo".
I return from Locus store and select "Go Premium". Then "choose Abo" . I select "Gold annual exclusive". A small window at the bottom opens (vom Playstore I guess). It says: "Error, you already have this Abo".
Exit this redults in an endless "Initialze"

Help please. How can I get my Abo back?
Too be true I didn't follow the discussions the last times so maybe I missed something. I tried to search for the problem but couldn't find something. Maybe because I had problems to select a good phrase to search for. :(

While driving without navigation the Screen are no longer locked to the GPS Position. The setting (guessed english translation) "Map lock on GPS position" in settings are enabled as allways for me.
I assume that's a change in one of the latest versions.
I couldn't find a way to make it work which was bad because I was exploring a new area.
What's the steps to get the lock back?
Sorry for missing something.
In version history I saw the point "Map content panel available in the Route planner". This sounds like a feature I missed some times.
I see no changes in Route planner and no option to enable/extend something which might be such a feature.
What does this mean?
Multiple crashes when searching for an adress online.
I have the feeling it depends on the adress I search for.
Might be an old bug. I don't know.