Quote from: 0709 on April 16, 2018, 09:09:26
I tested a kml file from Motogoloco design by adding medium waypoints between start and finish.
No optimal klm out as the waypoints are inserted as wpt_poi, not as necessary (router) Via points.
Locus_Brouter autorecalculate to point directly navigates to finish, thereby skips 'medium' wpt poi's.
Initially I had some problems with Motogoloco when creating a KML for my IGO Primo GPS, and I contacted them.
The trick is to NOT add medium waypoints! Create a start point, then move long your chosen path placing an "End Here" marker at each point, progressively moving it along. Not intuitive at all, but it works fine. It also works fine for Locus.
My real problem was understanding the difference between the Route and Point priority, which the brevity of the manual descriptions could not help overcome. Once you know, the descriptions are obvious, but descriptions should be prioritised for new users, or at least illustrated with some real world examples.