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Messages - scinkk

I hope you are planning test the mountains.cpt in Nepal  :D

I will test it too, so these are beta versions :) 

And there is theme, same color palete and the same altitude steps, if someone finds it useful
There are 4 CPT files. Color gradient is based on this web. The color steps work pretty well I guess  :)


Create interpolators folder in Locus > data and download the files to the interpolators folder.


Range -50 to 1000 m ASL (white color over 1000 m) /  25 m and 50m steps

Range 100 to 2000 m ASL (white color over 2000 m) / 50m and 100 m steps

Range 400 to 4500 m ASL (white color over it) / 100 and 200 m steps

Range 1000 to 6500 m ASL (white color over it) / 200 and 250 m steps


Lowland theme - Central Bohemian Uplands - Highest peak about 800 m ASL

Highlandtheme - Krkonose mountains - Highest peak 1602 m ASL

Alps theme - Austrian Alps

Mountains theme - Nepal

Highland vs Alps theme - High and Low Tatras in Slovakia

Edit: modiy altitude ranges and steps

hm, I had the same problem sometime (no the all waypoints function, classic turn on cache waypionts)
Other features / Re: Geocaching TOOLS
June 25, 2011, 22:26:32
designing waypoint by azimuth and distance from any waypoint - I vote for it :)
HEXgeo v1.0

HEXgeo beta 0.2

and something for geocaching
only the picture at this time

Some screens by HEXdesign
a speedmeter for car driving, biking, running, walking....  I dont know you can try it

betaversion - no testing

Summary of new GC icons in Locus
POI's / Re: [ICONS] - custom category icons
April 18, 2011, 19:47:26

urcite :) zde - davam sem i hvezdicku staci v nakym programku oba obrazky spojit
POI's / Re: [ICONS] - custom category icons
April 15, 2011, 16:09:07
New geocaching category icons in crazy colors :)

prave ze pokud gc pouziva puzzle pro QA tak by asi nebylo dobry aby v Locusu to byla stage of MC - takze bych asi nechal otaznik pro QA a pro stage vymyslim naco jineho - ty stopy se mi nelibi a je to "maly" - ostatni udelam pdobne jako ma GC - az zbude trochu casu tak ty WP dodelam :)
puzzle pujde :) me teda ten otaznicek pro answer to questins prijde vic prihodny ale asi se nebudeme zbytecne odklanet od GC  ktere tam ma to puzzle :) Jinak me napadlo ze by treba nebylo spatny kdyby si clovek pri vypisovani waypointu mohl zvolit rekneme jednu z peti barev z roletky a touhle barvou by se zobrazila treba ta sipka waypointu. Takze pokud mam vedle sebe dve mutliny tak si zobrazim wp jedne a u te druhe si pri zobrazovani vyberu odlisnou bravu a budu vedet ktere wp patri te a te multine :)
Mrknete na novy soubor jsou tam dva druhy waypointu ve dvou variantach, s koleckem a bez kolecka, sam ted nejak nevim :)
Ne nemyslim si ze by bylo potreba menit centrovani ikonky - centrovani na stred by bylo uzitecne pouze u nejakych miniatur a hlavne by ostani, pokud si sami ikonku nevytvori, nevedeli kam ta ikonka tedy ukazuje pokud by byl ruzne varianty centrovani - tim koleckem prop waypointy  jsem myslel jen tvar ikonky aby se to trochu odlisilo od tech keskovych a dole by stejnak byl nejaky maly zobacek aby to zas ukazovalo na dany bod :)