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Messages - iros

I have tried both atlas and map files with the same result.

Thank you for your directions, it helped! :)

Working for me is to put those tar files into directory:

where /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Locus is the directory where Locus puts his files after installation.

After Locus restart they are visible in 'Map manager'.
how I can open TAR from TrekBuddy?
After putting him into /mnt/sdcard/Locus/maps
I tried to:
1. Map manager -> User maps -> Add
2. Data manager -> Import data

Both methods do not show any TAR files in Locus's file manager while browsing /mnt/sdcard/Locus/maps.

I have tried TrekBuddy map from Compass map makers and some custom one from MOBAC.
After exporting the same atlas into SQL method no. 1 works fine.

I can open those maps in TrekBuddy without a problem.

Am I doing something wrong with opening TAR files? Or is there a tool to convert TAR -> SQL format?

Best regards,
Irek Slonina
Locus Free (tested 1.7.4 from Market before)