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Messages - axelpix

Hm, on I managed to see the Tracetrack layer by disabling AdGuard in my browser. So looks like a DNS issue.
Unfortunately disabling AdGuard on the phone still doesn't help Locusmap to show Tracetrack.
Maps / New OSM tiles Tracetrack won't work in Locus
November 01, 2023, 10:22:06
There's a new OSM style called Tracetrack. One need to create an API key in order to get it work. On they obviously have an issue with their referer settings. So Tracetrack is not shown there currently.
Anyway, I quickly created a key and I'm able to view tiles with it:

Trying to see it in LocusMap fails with an unknown error. So what's wrong with my providers code:

<provider id="10014" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<mode>Tracetrack Topo DE</mode>
<tileScale dpi="0" multi="2.0" replace="19"/>
<extraHeader><![CDATA[User-Agent#Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0]]></extraHeader>

It also doesn't work without the scaling.
Also tried to use a referer. No luck.
Any ideas?
No, for me it allways dimmed immediately within 1 minute after starting LM4, even at overcast daylight with an ice cold device. LM4 was barely usable at all. This has gone with Android 13. Already spend 2 hiking days out there with perfectly usable LM4.
Don't want to sound too confident, but with the update to Android 13 on my S22 the issue seems to be gone. Haven't seen any dimming since then so far, even in direct sunlight after some minutes. Crossing fingers!
Troubles & Questions / Re: Locus Map Gold is too dark
September 28, 2022, 17:53:36
Meanwhile unfortunately Alliance Shield has stopped working. Samsung has withdrawn the license for Knox. So even if you still find the apk somewhere to download, it will not get Knox clearance and therefore is not able to change our two thermal throtteling switches.

So we're back to where we started. No chance to prevent LM4 from dimming under daylight.

There must be something different in LM4 than in LM3 as LM3 doesn't dimm. Really no idea, Menion what this difference might be?
First question:
Someone indicated that setting LM4 to "Screen always on" might solve the issue on newer Samsung devices. Is this a solution that can be confirmed by someone else?

Second question:
During my tests with the S22 I noticed that the same behaviour (screen dims to ~50% brightness) also happens with the onboard Google Maps app. This led me to the conclusion that it might be the GPS activity that forces Samsung to better limit the backlight power. But if LM3 (LClassic) is still good, that's not the case. Can anybody confirm this consistency with Google Maps?
I'm on the search for a successor for my good old S7 currently. Just tested a S22 lately. The first obvious thing that I noticed was the display dimming under Locus 4 way too low for reading it comfortably outdoors. All other apps stay at max brightness, except Locus and Google Maps. Looks like GPS apps are treated differently in the Samsung internal thermal management. The phone wasn't even hot yet, just shortly in max daylight.
I ended up returning the S22 just for that reason. It's sad as there are almost no other phones of an acceptable size on the market nowadays. Testing a Xperia 5-III in parallel. This is also dimming in sunlight, but only after getting hot and not restricted to GPS apps.
Google is forcing me to change my Goolge account in May 2022. Is there any chance to take my beloved LocusMap Gold subscription with me other than buying a new one?
Is it a bug or feature, that some of the maps from providers.xml are actively hidden since 3.21?
Maps / Re: down?
September 12, 2016, 13:36:42
I'm wondering if this project is still alive anyway. Looks like there's no activity since 2014. The tiles are quite outdated meanwhile. Does anybody know what the status of is?
Hm, looks like they just added the hill shade to their Topo layer. The shading layer seems to be no longer available on its own.
Probably a workaround for Bergfex.

The X regions are quite large. So it might be worth the work to make separate maps for the regions. Zoom Level 14 goes from X=86 (Liechtenstein) to X=89 (Bratislava). Zoom 15 from 172 to 179.
Here's an example for one region for each zoom level:
<!-- BergFex Austria (id 70) -->
<provider id="10070" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
        <!-- for Zoom 14 adjust between 86 and 89-->
<provider id="10071" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<mode>Topo 14_1</mode>
        <!-- for Zoom 15 adjust between 172 and 179-->
<provider id="10072" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<mode>Topo 15_1</mode>

And once cached, it does no harm to cached tiles when you modify the X folder in providers.xml. This way you can collect combined areas in your tile cache.

Grüße aus Dresden nach Österreich! Ich komme bald mal wieder.
Other features / Re: WMS recommended maps
May 09, 2011, 12:39:15
here's another german WMS Server address.

At the far end of the long list, there are the TK50, TK100, TK25 etc. topographical maps. There's also a lot of other more or less usefull stuff.
