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Messages - rob_j

I need some help.  Is it possible to navigate (Navigation) to a point that i've imported using a track/route that i've also created?  I have a KMZ that has points and tracks that I import.  I can navigate the track, however I want to be able to select 2 points from the import that are on or near the track and navigate to a point and start from either my GPS or from another point I select from the file.  I have attached a copy of the KMZ.  I've tried BRouter, but it only uses roads near by.  My tracks are created off road.  I'm hoping that the route, turn by turn, would build off the track, not guide, line of sight. Thanks
Troubles & Questions / Re: KML Feed Help
January 20, 2016, 12:46:00
Awesome.  Thank you very much.
Troubles & Questions / Auto "Navigate to" options?
January 20, 2016, 07:04:25
Is there a way to have the navigate to function automated a bit?  I have an app that sends a point into locus, from GPSTrackerGate, which creates a point/destination.  However i have to click the point, navigate to, then select fast to create the route.  As i deploy this to my friends, I'd like to minimize what they have to do, so i was wondering if there is a way to have it create the route automatically once it imports the point from GPSTrackerGate?  Also, is there a way to change that default icon? (The brown "!" icon)

Thanks in advance.
Troubles & Questions / KML Feed Help
January 20, 2016, 04:33:25
I have a KML Feed that i created from my GPSGate server, VehicleTracker application.  When i open it in google earth it works fine.  When I add it to my MapItems folder and try to see it in locus it fails to display any data.  I was originally "importing it" and received the error "No points added" then I was informed not to import it as that caused errors.  So when i load it now, i no longer receive the points error, however it fails to display and data.  I also have a KML from Gynta that works and displays fine.  I have attached the KML if anyone can help or has a better solution on how to display my points from GPSGate server.  I know that the admins are working on a LiveTracker module, but I was hoping this KML would work in the interim. 
Thanks in advance for any help or recommendations.