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Messages - mambofive

I'm looking for a (internal/external) LoMaps-theme which shows more bicycle-related information, like:

  • vending machines for bicycle tubes (OSM: amenity=vending_machine, vending=bicycle_tube) or
  • charging stations for ebikes (OSM: amenity=charging_station, bicycle=yes)
Currently, I use an overpass query and import this as POIs to Locus Maps, but it would be nice to have this information directly shown in the map (e.g. using the hike&bike theme). Or are these nodes excluded from LoMaps to save space?
I used Locus to find a Chirp geocache (using the ANT+-manager and an ANT-adapter connected via USB-OTG).

Everything worked perfect  8)

However, if I try to connect to the Geocaching sensor (or any other sensor) without an ANT-adapter present in the system, I get just a toast message like "process interrupted". This is not very helpful, especially for less-technical-skilled users. I'd expect something like "There is no ANT-adapter available." or "Could not connect to ANT-adapter"...
Quote from: menion on May 11, 2015, 20:49:38
Is this happen also on a fresh new folder with few fresh new points?

It happens with some older folders with a history of lots of updates/inserts/deletions and as well with a folder directly after the import of some (~160) points from a gpx file.

The last item in the list is also affected.

It seems to be connected to the scrollbar - if the folder contains only a few items and no scrollbar is shown, I can't reproduce it. (However, in gynta's clip a scrollbar is shown, but he doesn't see the problem).

To describe the problem more generally: if a scrollbar is shown, I can't select/deselect the first and last item of a list. Sometimes I can, but at least after selecting/deselecting it 2-3 times, I can't anymore.
Quote from: gynta on May 11, 2015, 21:56:06
See clip. Where is the difference on your side?
Thanks for your effort. This is exactly what I do, I can't see a difference...  :(
There is a small bug in selecting multiple items in a sorted list of POIs, when selecting multiple points, the topmost point is deselected.

To reproduce:

  • take any list of POIs, sorted by name (other sort options probably show the same issue)
  • deselect all items
  • now select some of the first items, including the top most POI
  • try to run any action on the selected items (e.g. "change icon") - the top most item will be deselected and the chosen action is applied to the remaining points only.

This happens to me reproducable in the last released version as well as in the latest beta (
Small UI problem when entering coordinates, e.g. here:
Search -> Move Map -> Coordinates -> enter coordinates in WGS format and change longitude from 'E' to 'W'
Result: empty label (instead of an expected 'W')
Quote from: pstein on February 15, 2015, 15:04:06
1.) Wie starte ich jetzt die Navigation? D.h. Locus free soll mir jetzt sagen ob ich nach links,r echts oder geradeaus fahren oll

Wenn du das Ziel über die Adress-Suche gefunden hast, hast du am Ziel einen kleinen "Briefumschlag" auf der Karte. Diesen tippst Du an, dann öffnet sich ein "Pop Up Label" mit der Angabe der Entfernung (Luftlinie) von deinem Standort.  Rechts von diesem Label ist ein Pfeil, wenn du darauf tippst/klickst, bekommst du ein weiteres Menü mit Aktionen zu diesem Punkt. Der oberste Punkt, "Navigieren", startet die Navigation.

Also kurz: Punkt (POI) anklicken/antippen => Auf den Pfeil (">") rechts klicken/tippen => Navigation wählen.

Das funktioniert nicht nur für Punkte aus der Adress-Suche, sondern für jeden Punkt (POI, Point of Interest), den du in Locus gespeichert hast.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] V-Scale2_Pure
February 13, 2015, 16:07:24
At least for the 'classic map'  theme this also helps.

Quote from: menion on January 31, 2015, 09:59:05
@TimoG: which function (exactly) are you using? I'm trying search by name/fulltext in search screen, search for Google Places, search in new DB POI and all works fine.
Same here.
Searching for a POI gives the list of search results - > ok
Selecting one of the items of the result formerly opened the details for this POI, now it just selects/deselects it.
Wenn ich das richtig mitbekommen habe, sind die neuen Vektorkarten aus dem Locus-Store mit einer neueren Version des map-writers generiert worden; die sind dann wahrscheinlich nicht mehr kompatibel zu c:geo. Da müsste jetzt c:geo nachziehen und auch auf die aktuelle Mapsforge Version umstellen...
Were there any changes regarding the automatic change of the color scheme (day-/nightmode) in the latest released version?

It seems to me that the color scheme does not switch automatically any more. It stays in day mode, even if it's late enough to switch to the dark color scheme. If I disable the automatic switching (via fast settings) and enable it again, the color mode is switched immediately.

In case it matters:
* navigation mode active
* online map
* map rotation / autozoom turned on
* Nexus 5, Android 5.0.1

Thanks & regards,
Ich habe das gleiche Problem, das ist ein bekannter Fehler zusammen mit Android 5. Tritt sowohl mit den alten als auch mit den neuen Vektorkarten auf.
Gibt es hier Nutzer von
Ich habe ein kleines Perl-Script geschrieben, das mir Caches von herunterlädt und etwas anpasst, damit möglichst viel der opencaching-spezifischen Informationen nach Locus zu importieren.
So werden die Attribute (die z.T. anders sind als bei in das Listing mit eingebaut, Geokretys mit importiert und Wegpunkte aus Texten in der Personal Cache-Note angelegt (so wie bei geocaching4locus).
Das Script läuft in Perl, ich habe es unter Linux im Einsatz, es läuft aber auch unter Windows (ActivePerl vorausgesetzt). Eine kleine Doku ist auch mit dabei.
Es ist für den Eigenbedarf entstanden, wer Lust/Bedarf/Interesse hat, kann es ja gerne mal ausprobieren. Ich freue mich über Rückmeldungen.

Das Script gibt es hier:
Since there was no reply, this must have been a local problem on my device.  :-\
However, after updating to Lollipop, the problem is gone.  8)
When I tap on a cache on the map, the new (nice!) pop-up label opens.
If I tap on the pop-up label, the cache details page opens.

If I repeat this several times (open pop-up-label, open cache details, back button, open cache details, back button...), Locus crashes reproducably - sometimes after 2-3 iterations, sometimes after 10.

If I can produce some debug output / logs etc., please tell me.