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Messages - gribnik

QuoteAre you sure ? Locus use offline maps (atlases) perfectly isn't ? Maybe different DB ?
x,y fields in locus db is a position on the map server (the map type stored in info.provider field). All information about geo coordinates you're getting from position of tile, zoom and map provider type.
x,y  fields in orux database is a position on a scanned image, it always starts from 0,0 for upper-left tile and so on

GlobalMapper can export to google maps tiles. it rotates the image if needed, scales image to the selected googlemaps zoom(s) and splits the image. Also it can merge several ozi's maps but for tiles structure it doesn't matter. After it can be easely inserted into sqlite db.

Or use trekbuddy "tared" format.
Quote from: "simonb"Using OruxMapDesktop you can convert a ozi map to a sqllite db, this is a different format to Locus though.
I am looking into writing a sql script that can create a Locus db from the Orux one.
I have looked at the code in Mobile Atlas Creator, and it seems that the images are stored the same way, so I hope that Locus can use them as is.
Going to spend a little bit of time trying to convert a single tile, single layer map.

Will report back later.
it's useless. Orux only stores images(size may differ from 256x256) in the database and information about projection, top-left, bottom-right coordinates & etc is stored in xml file.
Locus db format is suitable only for online sources.
I have the same problem with a small map.
The databases have the same structure and the same data.
test_def.sqlitedb -work
test_my.sqlitedb - doesn't work

Data inserted by python script which executes sql queries.

The difference is that test_def.sqlitedb created by Locus, then cleared
delete from info;
delete from tiles;
test_my.sqlitedb was created by executing sql:
CREATE TABLE android_metadata (locale TEXT);
CREATE TABLE info (minzoom INTEGER,maxzoom INTEGER,center_x DOUBLE,center_y DOUBLE,zooms TEXT,provider INTEGER);

p.s. also i tried to insert data into exisitng db, created in different sqlite managers (SQLiteSpy, SQLiteAdmin) - doesn't work
Is there a complete structure of locus sqlite maps? Tar-format is considered obsolete, but it's more flexible for offline maps. As I realized to create sqlite db maps from "ozi-like formats" (image+geodata), image must be resized to align with online source tiles. There are no fields for calibration points and projection.