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Messages - lor74cas

Hi, you can enable/disable the GPS by monitoring Locus recording notification, but it only works for Locus and apps that use notifications.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
September 18, 2024, 09:27:18
Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 18, 2024, 08:17:28Can someone please tell me when I import a route (track) into Locus web planner whether the track point elevations <ele> are maintained? I have just downloaded Sonny DTM France 1asec v3 HGT files (2.4GB!!) in order to improve the slope accuracy of some planned routes.
If the web planner had the best altitude data (Sonny's data), we would have solved half the problem already, this has already been requested in the past.
Also when importing a gpx you should be able to choose whether to keep the original elevation data or apply the planner's data.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
August 23, 2024, 12:23:40
Quote from: Menion on August 23, 2024, 11:30:23Custom WMS > a little hidden. Map manager > WMS/WMTS tab > "+" > Add from library > "+" > and here you go ... this does not make sense right? Hmm ...
It is not very clear, because the first option says "add from library" and therefore the user thinks it can only be done from the library. Then the library list opens with the + button that seems to be used to add a further WMS to the library itself and not to the WMS chosen by the user. In my opinion from the WMS/WMTS menu when you press the + it should propose the options one to search in the library and one for manual insertion.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
August 18, 2024, 09:07:53
Quote from: Tapio on August 17, 2024, 17:13:25
Quote from: lor74cas on August 17, 2024, 13:41:44and in those moments I seek silence and tranquility, so having a device that makes itself heard at intervals disturbs me.
I use a cuckoo sound 😊
better than the one of the wild boar in love
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
August 17, 2024, 13:41:44
Quote from: Tapio on August 16, 2024, 13:49:26lorcas, you don't use the Stop and should remove it. I personally like to trigger via tick and for dynamic pauses or >2 minutes, I use the stop construction. Notice the conditions uses a Task Variable, i. e. survives the task. And tick doesn't use the Android scheduler, I prefer that.

Sure, you're right now I've also removed the stop condition

Quote from: Tapio on August 16, 2024, 13:49:26BUT Logic. We want to know regularly if all is alive and well. Your task, by not saying anything means "all is well" but also it could mean "Locus/Tasker/Android have crashed".

Such a Locus watcher can also include checking and correcting volumes. Has all happened to me. No guiding voice, I walked and walked, then noticed, the voice and off-track beep were silent.

I use Locus exclusively for fun during hikes or bike rides, and in those moments I seek silence and tranquility, so having a device that makes itself heard at intervals disturbs me. I prefer an alarm that sounds when something is not working and if the crash of takser/android/device prevents such control I can live with it, after all even getting lost every now and then is part of the beauty of being in nature.

For the same reason I rarely use Locus navigation or guidance. If I have any doubts, I prefer to take out the device and decide which route to take rather than listen to the voice guidance.

As I personally use the application the only thing that bothers me is the possibility of losing the recording of the track, so I focused on this aspect.

Quote from: Tapio on August 16, 2024, 13:49:26"Remember to activate it" - Usually one does create tasks which get started via a homescreen shortcut. Execute other tasks from there via "Perform task" or turn profiles on/off ("Profile status").

You can create a Tasker link tied to an action that first starts locus recording and after a few seconds activates the control profile. But I have too many apps and icons on my phone that I prefer to create them only when strictly necessary.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )
August 16, 2024, 12:11:59
Quote from: Tapio on August 16, 2024, 08:11:24
Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 16, 2024, 00:38:10could you share your Tasker profile anyway, please?
I removed unrelated parts and added in some configurability. If you have questions, best is you create a topic in Tasker forum then. Feel free to ask.
Important, this requires the Locus Tasker plugin, see Play Store.

Great idea, I simplified the task even more to give feedback only when the recording fails, increasing the number of audio reminders and also inserting vibrations. The verification interval is defined only in the set up of the TICK event that I set to 100 seconds and it is not necessary to create loops in the task because it is the event itself that activates it at each interval.
The interval should not exceed two minutes according to what is reported in the TICK guide.
You must remember to activate it, but there is no danger of forgetting to turn it off, it will automatically remind you 100 seconds after you have closed the track.
There are a lot of posts on this forum for the exclusive use of DE or CZ that deal with topics that could interest everyone. In this case the topic had already been discussed several times so I also used Italian to guide the user in the menus translated into Italian. Easier for me and for him, just the hassle of using a translation system for others.
è tipico questo errore se ti ritrovi a camminare in montagna con pareti a picco, se il gps marca un punto errato anche di pochi metri oppure se il profilo altimetrico per quel punto risulta errato ti ritrovi in queste situazioni. Per correggere l'errore conviene appunto fare come hai fatto tu, cancelli il punto che porta lo scompenso di quota, in genere sono facilmente identificabili dal grafico come hai avuto modo di vedere.

Ci sono poi ulteriori impostazioni all'interno dell'app per la gestione dell'altitudine, cerca "Gestore Altitudine". Se il tuo dispositivo ha un sensore barometrico forse attivandolo puoi mitigare gli errori.

Se non hai problemi di spazio puoi anche scaricarti l'altimetrie delle zone che ti interessano con il modello più dettagliato fornito da Sonny

Puoi anche cercare di ridurre i punti gps con cattiva ricezione impostando nel profilo la "precisione gps richiesta" (ad esempio messa a 25 sai che l'errore massimo teorico è di 25 mt), se poi ti affacci ad uno strapiombo di 400 mt come ho fatto l'altra settimana è comunque inutile.

Owner: Locus Map (use the app selector)
Title: *Laufen*

airplane mode
you can create a profile that activates based on notifications.
When a Locus notification appears with "running" then activate flight mode.
Quote from: slarti76 on July 15, 2024, 11:37:29
Quote from: Tapio on July 15, 2024, 09:52:06Well, do you really think there's another person on earth using orux maps in Locus?
It's supported, and it worked before the initial display of map name was fixed (which it is), so am I not allowed to report that bug?

I find it a little weird that two people thank you for a post basically telling me my bug report is of no importance? I don't complain when others report bugs that are of no concern for me...
The many options provided by Locus make it very versatile on the one hand, and on the other very prone to having ultra-complicated menus that scare the average user who seeks simplicity as a first approach. Some of these options are used by maybe 10 people so it makes me smile when someone finds a bug on one of them, even more so when it relates to maps of an application in direct competition with Locus. My "thank you" was not a personal attack, if a function exists it is right that it works properly, but it is more to point out the fact that sometimes we should also think about removing and simplifying instead of always adding something new.
Umm max Speed 1753 km/h you are faster than Flash!
I think there are some points on the track recorded with a bad accuracy, take a close look at the points of the track if you find some bad point delete it, I think they are the cause of the crazy max speed and crazy altitude.
just some thoughts on recent changes:

Even for Lopoints Locus is not able to read the photos saved in heic format as I suspected, however I saw that by choosing the photos it is possible to access the cloud, in my case in gphoto where the photos are displayed, but Locus is unable to load them reporting the orange boxes with the words "process failed".
When you download photos from gphoto, even if the original was hiec, google transforms them into jpeg and I thought it was a good way to get around the format problem. I also agree with the comment of Patrik in the blog

Share tracks with photos
I don't understand the point of creating a default image based on track activity. If someone wants to share something with an image, sends the map or a photo of the trip as a background, it seems like an unnecessary complication to me which also makes inserting a own photo less intuitive. It would be more useful to be able to choose which data to expose and where, so as to arrange the data in places that do not interfere with the image. In this case the fields could be "suggested" based on the type of activity, for example for hiking the difference in altitude is interesting while for running the pace is more interesting...

I continue to really appreciate the attention you put into reducing consumption to a minimum. If there are particular functions within the app that lead to higher processing and therefore higher consumption, why not create an energy saving mode?
I believe that for example live maps for geocaching, georeferenced photos, shading... are services that are often active without a real need, with a single touch they could be turned off and restarted only when needed.

Thank you in any case for the constant improvement work you do, Lorenzo

Thank you Menion,
Are you perhaps planning to manage LoPoints on the web too?
Insertion, comments, rating ...
For me it would be much more convenient to do it on the PC than on the smartphone.
I don't know if I understood correctly but you could use the planner for the parts of the route listed on OSM. Then follow the gpx of your tracks or downloaded ones. You could make the GPXs you are interested in visible on the map, go with the planner to their start then continue on the GPX and so on...