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Messages - tlchzj79

... source is selection Baden-Wuerttemberg (314 MB ziped map unzipped approx 413 MB
... yes - had switched to language german (instaed of system language us english) - had same errors. Strange enough other objects POI's are displayed correct - E.g. the name of a tiny source Königsbrünnele.  It may not be displayed correctly on your screen.
Will try to find language packing german.  On my Nexus 4 with kitkat street names are displayed correct
having upgraded from andoid 4.4.4 to 5.0 on a Nexus 10 tablet vector map baden-wuerttemberg displays streetnames with invalid resp. non identifiable characters. (e.g.  Lügenlenweg  isn't diplayed correctly with the german special chararcter ü)

System language is english (US) additional keyboard is German (QUERTZ)

any clue ?

Thanks a lot Willy - By the time I will like using Locus
BTW Any idea why the name Locus ( .. has multiple meanings ;)
..  yep - found that function (hide / unhide / delete) - I' m just back from a cycling exercise with Locus in my shirt pocket following the synthesized voice guidance - " lets go " .

@ 0709
thx for guidelines. I defined a testing folder for the tracks and played around . Yes - I was able to delete the tracks I had recorded. But the the last recorded track is still displayed on the screen before I setup a new track. I was anticipating to start a new Search with an "clean" main screen. Can live with that - it's just the matter of being spoiled by other navigation software which are more easy and intuitive to handle :)
Axel (promise to read the FM)
thx for your guidance. I do have two entries there
a) tracks (0/0)
b) Recorded (0/0)

The only function I can choose is for these folders are edit (aka rename folder) Import / Export /  Delete.

... I should mention that I deleted (with ES File Explorer) all files Locus has created today hoping that would help - No way

... finally I uninstalled Locus Pro, deleted mainfolder Locus and reinstalled from scratch to get rid of the route I had previously on the map. Very disappointing.

I have used this summer Mapfactor Navigator and OSMand+ and was very satisfied. One click on "clear destination" and that was it.
Couldn't find an easy way to clear destination or delete route in Locus Pro - Am I too stupid ?
thanks a lot - I'll try this

I'm back with other questions.
Have installed Brouter and have tried in Locus Pro to delete the route which I have shown in screenshot previously.
Cannot find a function to delete the route. Have gone thru Android settings / Apps / Locus / clear cache / clear data. All in vain.
Starting Locus Pro from scratch, the damn route is still displayed. It's driving me nuts.

Do I have to set several waypoints to get the route I want (aka avoid streets where cars can go) ?

... must add a comment. 
I do not have the the right panel on the screen.
Settings are: Map - control & panels / Right panel visibility (Never hide) May be the function I'm looking for it's there (delete route) ?

... found the right panel. It's perfect hidden in Setting => More  / Set right Panel /
but no "delete Route" function anywhere

this is set to MapQuest

following MapQuest settings are ticked a) Limited access b) Toll road  c) Ferry
Hardware: Nexus 4 (6GB) Android 4.4.4
Baden-Wuerttemberg incl. Vogesen map  from

I'm a newbie in Locus Pro handling.
My question: how do I navigate to a waypoint/destination if I want to avoid streets where cars can drive ?

I start at my home location and want to cycle to Herrenberg Waldfriedhof what I have set in "My Points". Have located that destination using long tap on the screen, got the GPS coordinates and stored it. Have chossen cycle in "Navigate".

The route will be calculated and displayed showing - obviously - the shortest route not taking into account that the route can use (off course longer) roads/pedatrian ways where no cars are allowed to drive.
I tried a bypass and selected "foot" instead of cycle. But the calculated route will again show the shortest route along streets where cars drive.
I have used the help pages for quite a while - didn't find any answers