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Messages - bodenseepingu


QuoteSolution is:

local d2,b2 = Wherigo.VectorToPoint(zone005.OriginalPoint, Player.ObjectLocation)
kysimus = kysimus + d2:GetValue('m')

Thanks for ernst.spiess!

Not 100% correct, try
kysimus = kysimus + d2:GetValue 'm'  -- or feet - but without brackets

at the same time I am massively programming currently WIG's - there are more problems on ANDROID WhereYouGo

One major when using tables is that table.getn function crashes - I replaced all that calls and count the table entries by myself.
Cartridge experience / GC2G0WA - M.u.F.
October 22, 2010, 19:16:57

I played this WherIGo together with a GC-Friend with 3 devices
- Garmin Oregon
- Windows mobile player
- WherYouGo on Android HTC Hero.

It is a very good and complex cache with things which I thought to be unpossible to put in a Wherigo.

The results
- Garmin played good
- Windows mobile player crashed
- WhereYouGo played good - but one scene was missing. It was a "dynamic scene" with moving persons.

I don't know if this feature is not implemented or if something with the software was wrong.

Nethertheless: congratulations to the very good software.