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Messages - larsiant

Troubles & Questions / Re: Cartridges not loaded
October 22, 2010, 14:25:33
By the way: the exact error is as follows:

No Whereigo cartridge available.
Add cartridge file (*.gwc) into /mnt/sdcard/WhereYouGo/ directory and start WhereYouGo again!"

Just sent you an email.
have a nice weekend.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Cartridges not loaded
October 21, 2010, 17:25:54
Thanks for the fast reply!

It's the original Vodafone-ROM, which is not branded, just the original HTC update to 2.2.
I downloaded the cartridges from the where-i-go-website with my PC (the Windows Mobile version of the cartridges) and transferred it to my Android.

My phone type is an HTC Desire from May 2010.

Any more suggestions? Or should I mail you the cartidge-files?
Troubles & Questions / Cartridges not loaded
October 21, 2010, 10:47:57
I installed the Android-Software from the marketplace.
Then I downloaded some cartridges and put them to the "whereyougo"-directory. When I start the program, there is an error-report that there are no cartridges in the folder.
I tried several cartridges as a single file in the folder (even one that worked before on Andoid 2.1), but none of them worked.
Any advices?

My device:
HTC Desire with Froyo/2.2