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Messages - wurzfusel

thank you so far.
the error disappeared in my Smartphone after deinstallation/installation and re-initializing.

The error is still available on my Android Tablet (Android 4.4.4).
I can' start the Android Monitor, because my device cannot be found. The errror in the device manager of the Android Monitor says: Error: unknown target 'android 16' in C:\Users\Peter\.android\avd\test.ini

I already deinstalled Locu Maps Pro and reinstall it, withou any affect. Just the stop-message appears after starting the Locu app-
 I have a rooted phone. It works perfect sinde year.
I started now the Android Monitor and added the log-report as log.txt, as recommended.
Yes, of course. This setup is sometimes required for the correct connection with the desktop PC.

I now installed the Catlog app und this is running now. I will sent you the report as soon as it is available.
Catlog ist still running...
If it will not work, I will try the option with the Android Monitor
In my System there is NO option to create a bug report.

and is even worse:
I recently installad Locus Pro at my Android-tablet (Tolino type, Android Version 4.4.4). Locus runs during the last use, now it shows the same error, and I definitely changed anything!!
And in that device there is no option to switch to the developer mode!
I expect, it must be an update of Locus, where my devices are not compatible with.

Pls. help or send me the money back!
this was not helpful
I will try to describe it.
I started the App Locus Maps. The first that appears is a black screen, and second the stop message. I closed the app and tried it again, the result is always the same. I have no access to any subroutine.
Should I reinstall the programm?

All error messages in the forum due to this topic are related to an Android update, this is not relevant in my case
I didn' change anything, my Android version is 4.1.2
My Locus Pro version is 3.17.2
Error description: After starting of Locus only a black screen appears with the Message: "Locus Map wurde angehalten"
It worked perfect about 2 weeks (?) ago.
What can I do?