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Messages - bugfix


war noch auf superenergiesparmodus gestellt, vielen dank für die hilfe!

[habs zwar noch nicht getestet, aber ich denke das wars dann wohl ;-)]
den energiesparmodus nur für die app oder global für das gerät (mir ist garnicht bewusst wie oder wo das geht) ?!

wenn der moitor aus geht werden keine wegpunkte mehr aufgezeichnet, wenn der monitor an geht, dann wird eine gerade linie zwichen dem letzten und dem neuen generiert, diese folgt natürlich nicht dem streckenverklauf, weils keine trackpunkte gibt...

samsung galaxy s7 mit marshmallow

irgendwelche ideen?
danke schon mal im voraus
Wishlist / Re: direct access to hiking databases
February 07, 2014, 09:25:24
Quote from: KaHeMu on February 06, 2014, 10:25:11
I don't like collecting data neither for searching machines nor for apps on android (in this case Locus). That's the reason I prefer a more uncomfortable way with meta searching machines resp. download from one source and import in another destination.

goood morning!

it shouln't be complicated to make a setting to switch of any functinality of "track chooser" but it would be very comfortable to have one which combines some portals like gpsies/outdooractive and so on.

in my mind all the provided information on those online portals based on user input and track selector doesn't shows data by reading the gpx files itself.

a own mask could show the file or track name the gpx embedded data, the headline and description of the portal and the kind of activity (like hiking, ski-hiking, bicycle etc.)

this would be unique for the providing app (locus?)

Wishlist / Re: direct access to hiking databases
February 06, 2014, 08:13:11
Quote from: KaHeMu on February 05, 2014, 22:48:14
Downloading and importing selected tracks should be not so difficult.

it may depend on a bug, but it isn't easy as it sounds. many tracks of certain plattforms and all downloaded gps tracks are changing their names when importing.

means e.g. the filename of a track is "abcd_efgh_ijklmno_001.gpx" and the name in locus after import is "70321" which makes  a very confused handling if you download a bundle of tracks for your holidays on pc.

can i make locus to open/import *.gpx files directly from explorer if i click them? the system menu shows installed script manager or orux maps but not locus to open those files.


Wishlist / direct access to hiking databases
February 05, 2014, 21:42:17
hi folks,

it would be very charming to load hiking, skiing or other existing tracks with description from bergfex, (outdooractive), gpsies or other databases (apemap has a similar menu with a limited access to outdooractive)

how do you think about?
