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Messages - noisyriver

Have to correct myself. The Locus disable lockscreen function works well. Thought I tested this some time ago with negative result but maybe I am wrong.

So this is solved.

Thank you!
Thank you for you fast reply. The disable lockscreen should not work as this setting is forced by an admin setting coming from the Active Sync function.
I feared that this was your answer... ;)

This will definetely not stop me using this excellent tool.

I use the Xposed module for the App Settings framework ( to have Locus run over the lock screen. That way Locus is shown when the phone is locked and I don't need to enter my Pin every time I need a short look on the map.

But something seems to have changed between Locus 2.16 and 2.17.1 which now makes it ignore the settings of Xposed. Nothing else changed in my phone and if restore 2.16 via backup everything is as supposed to.

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help, I know that this may be a very special question.
Edit 2
Narrowed the problem: Locus is not reading this map when tile recalculation and JPEG compression is activated in MOBAC.

I exported four files with MOBAC:
1. A normal OSM map area with compression and recalculation to Rmap sqlite: No problem in Locus
2. Hike & Bike Map hill shade layer to orux sqlite: no problem in Locus (but not possible to select as overlay)
3. Hike & Bike Map hill shade layer (same region) without compression and recalculation to Rmap sqlite: No problem in Locus
4. Hike & Bike Map hill shade layer (same region) with compression and recalculation to Rmap sqlite: Empty (grey) in Locus

Older Message:

I have a problem:
I want to create an offline hillshade overlay for my offline OSM-Vector-Map.
So I have downloaded me a small region of the Hike&bike map hillshade layer, zoom 8 to 15, via MOBAC in a RMAP .sqlite file.
I am able to open this layer alone in Locus and see the hillshading very nicely.
I am also able to add this map as overlay with the overlay function. But it is not displayed, the OSM map is still "flat".
Doing the same directly with the online Hike&Bike map through Locus works fine, I have a nice hillshading. For testing I also copied the .sqlite file Locus was creating from downloaded tiles and used this as a offline map and this was working fine too.

But no success with the .sqlite from MOBAC.

(MOBAC 1.9.7., newest Locus Pro, Android ICS on an Galaxy Note 2.)

Thanks for any help!

Invested some more time and found that Locus shows the sqlite file empty (grey) also when viewed alone. (Had the Hike&Bike hillshade overlay on by accident). Made some tests with other formats (paper atlas and export to Orux) and also exported other sources with sqlite from mobac to Locus. No problems. Only the Hillshade overlay is not shown only in Locus.Any ideas?