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Messages - Julix Pawel

Locus Map Watch / Android wear support
April 13, 2015, 22:51:27
Just got a LG G Watch

using the watch for geocaching together with locus would be sweet as f*ck :)
Tools / Re: Live Tracking by NeoCortex
December 06, 2014, 18:13:58
Quote from: druki on December 06, 2014, 01:04:36
I would prefer to see my room in Locus via api, because of loading maptiles in Google and having no big dataflat (and it's easier without app switching to see buddies).

We would need to write a locus plugin for this, right?
Tools / Re: Live Tracking by NeoCortex
December 05, 2014, 22:00:35
moved to a different server, first post updated with new links
Tools / Re: Live Tracking by NeoCortex
December 02, 2014, 19:07:47
Back from vacation :)

But pretty much out of ideas what to do more to the site.
Tools / Re: Live Tracking by NeoCortex
November 21, 2014, 13:35:51
Quote from: 0709 on November 21, 2014, 00:01:25
Question: Is the position of friends also visible directly in Locus app (vector) map ?  Or only in the webpage ?
Ooooh, but where did you find my picture on the internet ? :P :-[

Till now it's only visible on the webpage. Can locus pull the information for a POI from a sql server?
Got your picture from google image search :P

I'll will be on vacation for a week with my girlfriend, so don't wonder why nothing will happen in this week and i don't respond.
Best regards, NeoCortex
Tools / Re: Live Tracking by NeoCortex
November 21, 2014, 01:07:47
Danke für's Feedback. Eine vernüftige Übersetzung in's englische werde ich die Tage mal drüber hauen.
Denke die meisten die hier testen verstehen kein Deutsch.

Sicherheitslücken wie die Überprüfung bei der Namenseingabe hat das Ding sicher noch viele.
Da muss ich dann auch noch mit nem Adlerauge drüber.

Currently there is no timeout, but that's a good idea. Will think about that, thanks!
You can send a position with one nickname and then change the uname to another nickname to
produce some "fake"-people right now ;) if you want to see some more dots on the map.

Remember this is a work-in-progress and pretty much in alpha-state right now.
Tools / Live Tracking by NeoCortex
November 20, 2014, 22:01:06
Hej guys,

i know gynta has allready done a realy good job on this one, but i thought i might give it a shot.

This is a fun-project i do in my freetime. And even i realy don't like javascript it has come to a point where it might be usefull.
So if you want to help me out by stresstesting this thing.

Set your live tracking to:

Methode: POST

  • lat
  • lon
  • time seconds
  • uname your_nick
  • room your_room

Once two or more people are in the same room, you will see all of them in there.
So you might want to keep your roomname secret between you and your friends ;)

You can view your room at:
Which should also work great on android Smartphones with a screen of 5" or more. Tested on a OnePlus One.

So let me know what you guys think and thanks to all Locus developers for such a mighty App!
Wow thanks alot! I'm sure alot more people than just me will find it handy.
I'm sure i can get a nice geocaching cs get to work :)
I wanted to create a custom screen specialy for my geocaching needs.
Nobody every realy did one, so i thought i do it myself.
The Dashboard doesn't fit my needs since i have to do quite some "pixel perfect" placement and custom png's.
Hi everyone,

so i created my first little custom screen and i noticed you can't click any POI.
It brings up the name in a tooltiptext for a second and thats all.
I want it to bring up the POI-Options-Dialog when you click on one, like it does on the normal map.

Is there anyway to do so?

Best regards, NeoCortex.

PS: Thanks to menion for you know what.