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Messages - elmuSSo

Im the user of and to load a caches into Locus I need to download them in form of GPX - thats perfectly fine. The problem begin, when I don't have internet connection if the field. Suddenly I'm discovering that some of the caches doesn't have the spoilers images cached in offline mode! Even if an hour before, I saw these images cached there! I can see only a small, blue icons with question marks. Menion, can you somehow parse the loaded GPX file, search for images links in it, then automatically download those images permanently, or at least keep them saved until the point/cache is deleted from Locus?

Don't even ask me in what critical situations I was pissed off, when I realized, that I can't see these pictures, when I was in the middle of the forest with no internet connection.

GetSatisfaction post: //
Might be nice feature:)

Put the idea on the //
Wishlist / Quick "Guide to" button
July 02, 2012, 12:58:45
I'm very often using Guide to option, but it needs to many steps to set the guiding to the new point. Now I need:
1. center on the desired place,
2. long click on the center of the screen,
3. wait until the label of the place will appear,
4. click on the label,
5. click on the (two arrows and circle) icon
6. from the menu, choose Guide on

This is rather long process wiith many unneccesary steps. Won't it be better to just add some quick button somewhere ( "Guide on to the center of the screen" ). There should be also quick "Guide off" button

GetSatisfaction post: //
Maps / Re: KML convert to vector map
July 02, 2012, 12:48:22
My idea was always to convert any vector map file (KMZ or SHP...)  into the same format as the Vector maps in Locus are (the ones you can download). But I was struggling a lot with finding the right way to do that, and I don't have any successes in that field. These vector maps are always nicely and fastly rendered, so it would be cool to find a way to put any vector files into that format.
Use Mapc2Mapc application to make this conversion.
That was annoying from the same beginning. It can be seen especially when Map auto-load is turned on. Maps are curtaining each other. Ok, they will always do that, but the white margins are making this very unpleasent and chaotic to look at.

These margins are unnecessary. It would be great to make them disappear somehow. Unfortunately, when Im creating the slitedb atlas,


I can only cut off the whole tiles, so the margins are always there. Aren't there any way to use transparency in the sqlitedb format, or GEMF? I would like to create the atlas with transparent margins, and then let the Locus to respect this transparency and just don't show it. Or maybe Locus would be able to search/scan for the white margins automatically and just don't show it?

Here is the mirror wish post at GetSatisfaction:
Quote from: "VisualDigits"Great Idea! But make it choosable (for example a checkbox in front of the transparency slider). When the checkbox is selected, the slider will be disabled.)

Maps overlays option is great, it can be very useful and it was long awaited. Se we are all happy it works great now. But it is not ideal. Transparency/ translucency is not perfect, because even if the background of the layered map is white, it will cover a lot of details from the second layer. So my idea is to introduce "Multiply blend mode" which will make the layers perfect. All of this is shown on this picture, I hope it is readable:

Various & Bin / Re: mass inport of tracks
March 01, 2012, 01:11:19
Not the situation is reversed. When Im clicking on this option - A message is shown: "Request sent". And thats it. I dont have any confirmation that the operation was successful. There should be some tiny information showing what is the status of the request or when the A-GPS data was updated last time.  The information shouln't be in form of Toast, because it is very easy to miss it.
Declined / Re: Time to arrival
February 29, 2012, 21:54:23
I see what you mean. Maybe think about introducing two modes in Locus. One for beginners, and second for power users. After installation, beginner mode will  be turned on. But if user decide to turn advanced mode, a new (advanced) options will appear in the menu and all these buttons will be available to use. I know it will introduce a lot of additional programming for you. but think about it
Implemented / "Output API"
February 29, 2012, 06:22:29
Hi. Can you add some functionality that will further support the developers? I would like to write some plugin which will RECEIVE information from Locus and will react on this information. I see it as broadcasting a lot of Intents and my plugin would be listening for these Intents. There should be an option to turn off/on this feature. I would like to see all meaningful event like: new gps position, time to arrival changed, speed changed, new navigation instruction, everything that can be useful. This feature would open a lot of new possibilities! What do you think?

Under review / Re: Database entry custom dialog
February 29, 2012, 06:11:59
GIS ... again. With this kind o feature Locus will be used by professionals.
Yes for the vectors!

Declined / Re: Time to arrival
February 29, 2012, 06:07:11
Why declined? :( it is so often I need to measure the time to some point (and not the distance). Many times this point is changing positions. I can't click on each new point to click on it and choose Guide on, and then I need to remember to have the Guide bar menu active. Please Menion. Instead of this angle indictator, couldn't be there a predicted time to center the cursor?
