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Messages - rkirmeier

Wishlist / Re: S-Pen support
March 24, 2014, 22:48:05
S-Pen support would be very nice. I often manually make tracks and would be great if you could simply draw the track with S-Pen. Can't believe a 3MB lib would be a discouraging factor in any way...
Wishlist / Re: Network Synchronization
March 24, 2014, 22:45:12
I've used FolderSync too but lately just use SuperBeam to minimize the time (half the work and faster then regular wifi) however it's BS doing this everytime...
Really liking the new Garmin map rendering! I know you didn't want to mess with labels but it would be a huge help if there was an option to disable them or no longer show them at a higher zoom level. The labels overconsume the map at higher zoom levels and it's almost impossible to see the map.
Quote from: menion on February 05, 2014, 17:53:52
ad 1. - as I wrote in first post, I don't to work with labels now. They need a lot of work and I do not want to invest it now
ad 2. - should be possible if there will be any menu with settings for img maps. Anyway I should make it automatic as well as for mapsForge vector maps. So if IMG map will be used as overlay, it will be transparent
ad 3. - this is exactly what I don't want to do now. My priority for now, is to create one! universal theme for all img maps, mainly focused on hike & bike.

Without some type of control of labels it's kind of useless for me. OruxMaps has a couple dozen switches for Garmin maps.

See examples below - same map...


First of all thanks for taking another look at the Garmin (IMG) maps! Here are some of my thoughts/requests.

1. Ability to hide or resize lables - too large now and very distracting from the objects on the map. Of if they would disappear at higher levels that would also be helpful.

2. Ability to overlay and have complete transparency where the background is. This would allow to overlay on a terrain, sat map, or even a vector map. Basically providing the trails from the img overlaid on a standard vector or more detailed sat/terrain map.

3. Some way to emphasize/enlarge/set color of objects on the img map. Basically just need to be able to make the trails and objects larger/thicker to see better when overlaid on another map.
Really liking the new zoom method (google maps style)! Been hoping to get this for a long time...
Can't post to the 2.14 thread anymore but wanted to comment on the IMG support. There have been some opinions that there should not be any effort put in to this and someone said it would be better to put effort into finding a program to convert .img to .map. Well I'll tell you I have have spent countless hours trying to find apps to convert .img files and there just is not anything. Tons of tools to "create" or "convert to" .img but not the other way around! I did find one solution where I could export that objects to track files but it's a huge pain and Locus does not play well with lots of tracks on the screen (better now with the new sort by distance). There are so many resources for .img maps because it's an industry standard. In the USA many county websites provide maps in .img format. Personally I don't really care how pretty it looks or if it renders just like a Garmin will but to be able to load up a state wide map (in .img) format is priceless. If someone can come up with a way to convert a .img to .map I will never mention Garmin or IMG again here but unless someone is going to write it it's just not going to happen.

With all that being said I really think a little more time and effort into .img support would be great. I think the standard consumer could really benefit as you can download tons of .img maps online. Most of these maps are built with third party apps, not from Garmin.

I basically have a short list of requests for continued .img support. I don't need or care about all the details of the map files but I do need to be able to see the defined trails on the maps.

1. Ability to hide or resize lables - too large now and very distracting from the objects on the map.
2. Ability to overlay and have complete transparency where the background is. This would allow to overlay on a terrain, sat map, or even a vector map. Basically providing the trails from the img overlaid on a standard vector or more detailed sat/terrain map.
3. Some way to emphasize/enlarge the objects on the img map. Basically just need to be able to make the trails and objects larger/thicker to see better when overlaid on another map.

Where do I send money to get this short list done??
Quote from: menion on August 29, 2013, 17:46:42
Quote from: rkirmeier on August 29, 2013, 14:18:37
The Garmin map loads up and performance is outstanding! Really really really love this new option to use Garmin maps. My only 2 complaint2 with the current implementation is that I cannot hide the labels and can't overlay a Garmin map on a Online map. Another big step for Locus! Thanks so much!!

I'm surprised you're happy with it. Results aren't even from half as good as from MapsForge library I think.

Anyway glad you find usage for it. Currently there is not settings for these maps. System that is used directly for rendering is quite a simple and it should be easy to improve it, anyway I'm worried that using IMG maps violate "Terms of use" of Garmin, so I'll probably not public this feature as official in Locus and also will not work (too much) on improvements. I'm worried situation that was previously (more then two years ago) with online maps, when I had to remove almost half of all maps and users were really angry :)

And btw. new test version for interested people

So what does this mean exactly? Will I never see support for Garmin in the Pro release? Could it be a hidden feature enabled via the config file as to not draw attention from Garmin? It's really difficult to use any Garmin specific IMG files as their library is not human readable and files are broken up into lots of parts. However there are many websites that publish IMG files since Garmin is the most popular GPS. There are also lots of tools to create IMG files which comes in handy. How can these tools exist to create IMG files if there is risk for you to simply read/display them. Also, can it really violate their licensing if a person creates a IMG map with a third part tool? If there was another easy way to create a "vector" map with tracks I have I would be all for it but the only solution is to create SQLLite maps which has many shortcomings including zoom levels, file size, and possible transparency (for overlay).  Keep it a hidden feature that is not marketed, only accessible via forum knowledge and it shouldn't be an issue. If it ever becomes an issue then removing it wouldn't have the large impact that the other maps issue had.

Quote from: ivolino on August 29, 2013, 11:20:18
After half or later the download breaks up. But in the moment I have also slow Internet connection here in India.

The Garmin map loads up and performance is outstanding! Really really really love this new option to use Garmin maps. My only 2 complaint2 with the current implementation is that I cannot hide the labels and can't overlay a Garmin map on a Online map. Another big step for Locus! Thanks so much!!
How does one load up a Garmin (IMG) file? I tried dropping it in the mapItems directory and a few others but nothing showed up. Also didn't show up under any imports options. Please advise...

Any idea why Google Play shows that I'm up to date but still on version 2.14.1 which is 20 days old and more recent versions have been pushed up to the Google Play store?
Wishlist / Re: Track color
March 08, 2013, 17:55:04
Added to get satisfaction. Please vote cause this VERY frustrating the why it highlights the track by default.
Wishlist / Track color
February 28, 2013, 19:46:44
Please add an option to not change track color when your location is directly over it. This really sucks when using off-road in a vehicle when you go on and off the track. In day light it's already hard enough to see the screen so I like to set the track color to stand out but then if I am on of off the track it hard to see one way or another.
Wishlist / Re: Add link to App and shortcut please
December 28, 2012, 21:03:10
Added to getsatisfaction.

Everyone please vote! ... _shortcuts
Wishlist / Re: Add link to App and shortcut please
December 21, 2012, 19:31:32
Shortcuts can extend beyond just opening an app. Many apps provide short cuts to enable direct functionality of the app. In my case I use Locus on my motorcycle and snowmobile. I'd like to add shortcuts to control music so I don't need to switch between apps. May plan is to use some tasker shortcuts to play/pause, skip, etc.
