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Messages - Milan Kerslager

I thought the error message you talking about was from Locus. Now I understand and thank you a lot. Milan
How I could get the error message ("polygone is not a polygone")?
There has been fix for multipolygon in OSM by christiank61: (Than you!)
I made new vector map for myself today and Locus fill the forest correctly (like Mapnik does).
Now I know where to hunt for bugs... But it seems that OSM is full of bugs like this, where Mapnik is happy and mapsforge is unhappy and skip the object rendering (if I understand correctly).
Thank you. Really a fight against windmills :-(
Here is a link: ... 6&layers=M
The problem is that Locus does not fill big green multipolygons (i.e. forest in this case). I know that I touched this multipolygon (around "Plane pod Jestedem) in OSM (by using Potlach2) when it stopped working. No one vector map I tryed shows green forest around this site. I saw this bug in other areas too so I think that this is general error in rendering in Locus (probably).
Sorry for my using czech language :-)
Okolo místa "Pláně pod Ještědem" má být souvislá zelená plocha, ale není. Samotné OSM, JOSM i Mapnik ale renderuji zelenou plochu správně... Kde je chyba? Vzniklo to ve chvíli, kdy jsem na hranici lesa v OSM šáhl, ale nevím, co je špatně (co by mohlo být špatně). Zkusil jsem různé vektorové mapy (svoje, OpenAdnroMaps, a výsledek je pořád stejný. Že by V Locusu byla chybka? BTW: není to jediné místo, kde takhle "zelená plocha" vypadává.