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Messages - Bob Denny

Thank you everyone, I suspected this wasn't suitable for locus. I appreciate your trying.
Here is the KMZ. It is quite crude, many points and tracks. Who had the patience to make it??

I have a KMZ with the search and rescue grid system in it. See the image below, showing a little bit of the grid in Arizona. Importing it results in 14000+ points and 8000+ tracks (!!). Not practical. Can anyone think of a way I could overlay this grid system in Locus?

Menion, I like the new point screen so please keep smoking.
Other features / Re: Locus works in VirtualBox!
April 03, 2014, 01:47:02
FYI, with KitKat you can record screen video with ADB SHELL SCREENRECORD. I do not believe it needs root.
Quote- disabled dismiss of "Edit coordinates screen" by touching outside

Thank you!! I fly in a shaky helicopter and I touch outside this box and POOF! Now it will stay!
Yes,  that would be the best approach.
Free chat / Re: The "Menion Look"
March 31, 2014, 00:43:44
Gynta you must not like crazy cats.
Free chat / The "Menion Look"
March 30, 2014, 23:00:07
I have changed my avatar here to one that is looking down and away like menion  8)
@eldron et al., there will be a point at which @menion will need to drop support for ancient versions of Android OS. There are just too many good things that can be done with supported features and stability improvements in the later OS versions. Including code to make things work in old environments reduces the speed and stability (presence of multiple ways to do the same thing, some ugly hacks to simulate the "real thing" in newer version).

I am sure he will go out and drink some beer when he can remove the junk needed for Android 2.2  ;D
I'm sure. I will look for other things that may have caused this.

Where did Miscellaneous/Directory with Maps go? I cannot find where to control those additional personal map directories now! It has been a while and the latest docs show it in Miscellaneous.
loading tiles from Personal mapsets (sqlite) seems quite slower and sometimes you must zoom in and out and move around, then wait, then zoom/move, etc., until the map appears. I think 2.20 has affected the map speed to slow it. I am sorry to say this  because Locus is so wonderful!
Thanks, the declination is -11 here and it is looking good on the course bearing for magnetic. This is what we need.
You are right. A simple test shows the course bearing line is in magnetic direction.  Oops. It's good 

-- Bob (on Tapatalk - no threading,  sorry)