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Messages - Twodordan

Right. I'm such a boob.

After noticing I don't even have a Settings button on the top right of the "Map manager", I realized that I had restored an old version from backup (which wasn't up to date). The play store wasn't telling me Locus free needs updating, because the .apk was no longer in the "My Downloads" section.

Anyway, wifi is my friend, problem solved.

Thanks for the quick reply on a Sunday btw :D
Hello boys and girls,

I've googled around and I've read countless times (especially posts by Menion) saying that you can still download your own vector maps and just put them in the "Locus/MapsVector/" folder and "that's it". Except it isn't.

For the life of me I can't figure out how am I supposed to actually load those vector maps that I've manually placed in that folder.
If I go to the "Map manager" in Locus, in the Vector tab, the only thing you can do is access that revolutionary Locus Shop thing, but no means of browsing for the vector map you want to load off the SD.
If I go to the Personal tab, I can "Browse data", but it's useless because the vector maps formats ( aren't shown (the MapsVector folder is shown as blank).

I've downloaded maps both from // and //, but there is no way to open them up in Locus.

Am I blind, or is it impossible to use vector maps unless you pay?  :(