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Messages - Seppel

Maps / Re: RMAP
June 19, 2019, 06:56:29
Many thanks for your efforts.

Too bad that the larger one won't be possible to read, since that's the format CompeGPS LAND (the PC/Mac software from Compe) creates. Would it be possible to extend the error message to something like "unsupported RMAP format"? That way the user gets a bit more information than just "unknown error".

The smaller one was also created by using CompeGPS LAND - but the the original map probably was created with Mobac.It seems depending on the source material used, LAND creates different formats of output  :P

PS: both maps shouldn't be considered locked since LAND tells you that is not allowed to create a snippet from a locked map ...
Maps / Re: RMAP
June 18, 2019, 08:11:15
7 years later I experience the same problem - and while looking for a solution I find a thread I don't even remember I've contributed to :D

Is there still a chance to improve the RMAP handling?
Once more I found a (r)map (not locked!) that doesn't work in Locus.
After restarting the app I get a list of problems encounter during the last run - but for that particular map I only get "Unknown Error" (or in german "Unbekanntes Problem"

Are there any further error logs I could provide to solve this problem?
Maps / Re: RMAP
July 10, 2012, 17:41:18
I'm having some trouble using RMAPS (created by CompeGPSL or TTQV) with Locus as well. Some work without any problems - others don't even get listed in the Card Manager :(
Would it be possible to give some info (err.log or something like that) why a map did not get listed?

If you want I can send you some (faulty?) maps as well ;)