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Messages - OliverPA

I just upgraded to the new version and got 5 parallel tile downloads - much faster, thanks! :-)
Hi menion!
Nope, I've set up both locus_disable_download_limit:true and locus_max_parallel_downloads:5 but while the download limit is removed, the speed limit stays at 3 :-(

You see I've set up my server to serve 1:500k (for zoom levels 7-9) and 1:200k (10-12) maps covering the entire area of Austria and then those areas I hike to are available in detailed 1:50k maps (13-15). So basically I tell locus to download Austria completely and so I'm sure I've got every map available for offline use. I do that whilst at home (connected to the server via WLAN) but it just takes so darn long even though the majority of the tiles don't exist because the 13-15 levels cover only certain areas. In the end the sqlite file has about 500mb rather than the estimated 3.4gb.

Thanks for you help!!
Hi! I've set up my own map server and was wondering if there's a way to increase the number of parallel downloads. The way it is now, it seems to take unnecessarily long because both the phones cpu and the network can handle more.
I've already set locus_disable_download_limit:true.
It would be really cool if the server could suggest a maximum, like locus_max_parallel_downloads:5.