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Messages - Tom

Quote from: menion on February 21, 2020, 15:47:34
Suggest to check settings > Controlling > Map screen > Use hardware controllers ... is this enabled?
You are right. In my beta the Use hardware controllers was disabled. So, the beta is working now again. Thanks for the hint.
Quote from: menion on January 05, 2020, 14:19:39
isn't it how the app behaves now?
You are right, the Pro version behaves like this. Only the current beta turns off the map rotation when panning the map.
Quote from: menion on January 04, 2020, 23:29:24
Because when you are not centered, the map rotates about some imaginary "map screen center" point and not around you
How about rotating around the REAL screen center (or the shifted one, if the option is enabled). So, in case of a centered map it would still rotate around you, but if the map is not centered, then it would rotate around an obviously desired axis.
Hi Menion,

thank you for the new beta. The hill shading works perfectly now - even with more than 3000 HGT files.

Best regards,
Hi Menion,

Quote from: menion on June 13, 2019, 16:08:35
It means I should be able to simulate it.
Note, that my SRTM data is on an external SD card (SanDisk, don't know the exact spec). IMHO SD cards are much slower that the built-in flash memory.

Quote from: menion on June 13, 2019, 16:08:35
Weird is that Locus do not search in HGT files
I guess you compute the HGT file name from the coordinates of the visible location and then just try to open the file. So, I think it is the file system itself that slows down, when opening a file in an directory with a huge number of inodes.

Quote from: menion on June 13, 2019, 16:08:35
mainly in zoom level on your video, shading should be completely disabled! (it should work till level 8+)
Totally agree with that proposal.

Best regards,
Quote from: Tom on June 13, 2019, 00:30:34
We solved it by creating a hierarchy of sub-folders ensuring that the maximum number of files per folder does not exceed a certain upper limit (must be determined by experiments). In your case you can easily use the coordinate parts of the tiles to create the names of the sub-folders.
Perhaps a much simpler solution would be to cache the names of the HGT files in memory instead of enumerating them from the filesystem every time.

BR Thomas
Quote from: menion on June 12, 2019, 13:43:54
unfortunately together with my colleagues, we are still unable to simulate this problem. No matter what we do, it simply works. Are you using any overlay or WMS map?
No overlay or WMS at all. The problem even occurs with a blank map. But I did some more experiments and I think I found the root cause for the problem: If I clear the SRTM folder, then the problem does not occur. So, it is the number of files in my SRTM folder, which slows down the app. In my STRM folder there are about 3100 files. 500 of them are *.empty files. The rest are *.hgt files. I'm also a programmer and we had a similar problem too (on a Windows system). We solved it by creating a hierarchy of sub-folders ensuring that the maximum number of files per folder does not exceed a certain upper limit (must be determined by experiments). In your case you can easily use the coordinate parts of the tiles to create the names of the sub-folders.

Hope this observation helps to solve the issue.

Best regards,
Hi Menion,

thank you for the new beta. I tested it, but unfortunately the behaviour did not change. I fear that me error description was not entirely correct, because when I repeated me tests in order to create a screen capture, I could freeze the app even without being informed about missing HGT data. IMHO it is just an overload condition, when visiting that huge amount of HGT tiles in lower zoom levels. Here is the screen capture of my last test:
The small moving circle is the touch point.

Best regards,
Hi Menion,

I played a bit with the new beta 3.1 and stumbled over an issue with the hill shading. When I zoom out (ZL < 9) and move to a region, where I don't have some HGT files yet, the whole app freezes for a long time (about 10 to 30 s). Then the small indicator for the missing HGT information appears. If I pan the map further in that state, the app freezes again. It looks like a high CPU usage, because when the frozen state comes to its end some super slow animations are visible (blending effects). Once I have confirmed the download of the missing HGT files the app becomes responsible again until I hit the next region with missing HGT files. I don't see the issue at all, if I turn off the hill shading.

I'm using V4 ML OpenAndroMaps together with an overview map on a Samsung A3 2017 with 128GB SanDisk SD card for vector maps and HGT files.

Best regards,
Ok, I didn't realise that the app switched back to the online map by default. So, after choosing a vector map I got my themes back. Rendering is great now. Thanks!

BR Tom
Thank you for the new version, but now all my map themes are gone. I even cannot not find a setting for changing the new default (but ugly) theme. Did I miss a new menu point?

Best regards,
Quote from: menion on August 05, 2018, 11:12:08
And checkbox at the bottom with "Don't ask" make no difference, you always see the exactly same screen?
Then the message screen is gone. But of course it leaves a bad feeling.
The same happens to me on a Samsung A3 2017 (Oreo). I'm also using 3.32.1.
Das betrifft übrigens nur die Multi-Language-Karten (ML). Die normalen Karten sind von dem Problem nicht betroffen.
Hi Menion,

I guess this issue is related to this topic At least for the maps manager the problem is 100% reproducible on my device (Samsung A3 2017).
