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Messages - Robert Hirst

Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon GSAK database
February 26, 2012, 13:00:52
Now that we are back up and running there are two essential features that I think need to be added to make this a great geocaching app.

User Notes I add user notes in GSAK for all sorts of reasons. For example we are travelling abroad in a few days and I have put an English translation of the owners Spanish notes in the User Notes field. Alas I cannot see these imported into Locus.

TrackablesIt is nice to know if there are any travel bugs or coins in a cache so that we can make a point of looking for them and moving them on. There is a 'TR' count (always zero) on the summary listing but nothing appears in the cache detail listing. For a start it would just be nice to see them listed. Logging activity can come later.

Fingers crossed that my wishes will be answered. Keep up the good work.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon GSAK database
February 24, 2012, 22:10:25
Disaster! Going abroad next week caching and planned to use Locus. Now I can't even import my caches - getting the same "Unable to load caches! (null)" message. Same Sqlite file loads into GDAK without problems. Hope for a quick fix otherwise it will be NeonGeo for my trip.