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Messages - Voldik

Add-ons & Co-apps / New Geocache Point
May 02, 2014, 11:41:44
Hi everybody,

I have published new addon for Locus:

Main purpose is to create new point with GC code so you can easily create field note for cache that is not yet in your Locus.
For example:
- betatests
- accidental find (BF)
- when you go with friends and you find cache that is not your device

I will appreciate all comments. :-)
I use Jar file you sent me recently. I'll try the source code.
Yes, you are right, the exception is cought. Intent is not null, so I suppose that is it thrown in Location() constructor. Unfortunately I'm using LocusAPI.jar so I don't have its source code.

Do you use real device or emulator?
Yes, it's working (as far I can tell).

The NullPointerException is thrown at line 422 in in method public static Location getLocationFromIntent(Intent intent, String intentExtra) {}

I add Sample App to the right panel, then click on it.
I've tried two different devices and also 'niximor' has reported me this bug.
I've found possible bug. When I use LocusUtils.handleIntentMainFunction(intent, new LocusUtils.OnIntentMainFunction() {...} I'm getting NullPointerException(). I thought it is bug in my application but when I run your sample application I get the same error. StackTrace is here:

In your MainActivity it is line 230.
Thank you, it's working. :-)
Developers / Re: [CZE] Data u Geocaching WP
March 13, 2014, 09:16:19
Poslední build je tu: Nastavuji to při importu a při načítání detailů keše.

No no, I mean just simple method GeocachingData.setElevation(float elevation); In my case (import from Geoget), I already have the elevation computed.
Is it possible to set elevation to GeocachingData? (I suppose it is not, so: Would it be possible to add this ability to API?) :-)

And once again thank you for previous work.
Developers / [CZE] Data u Geocaching WP
March 04, 2014, 21:28:43
Tak tedy zakládám topic navazující na tvůj post. :-)

Chtěl bych vidět všechna tři data - datum ukrytí (hidden) určitě, datum vytvoření (dateCreated) bych bral jako datum vytvoření WP v Locusu a datum aktualizace (lastUpdated) datum, kdy byla (pokud byla) keš aktualizována - tady mě napadá jedině skrze GC4Locus addon. V podstatě se dá říci, že tímto způsobem to funguje, když si zaktualizuji keš přes zmíněný addon, tak se mi najednou zobrazí aktuální datumočas v políčku "Poslední aktualizace".

Jediné, s čím mám problém, že ač tyto hodnoty nastavuji přes Geoget addon, tak je nevidím - resp. nevidím datum aktualizace. To si necucám z prstu, ale beru ho z databáze GG.

1.1.2014 si stáhnu keše do Geogetu, 3.1.2014 si stáhnu databázi do mobilu a přes addon je nahraji do Locusu. Nastavit by se měla data takto:
hidden - dle listingu
lastUpdated - 1.1.2014
created - 3.1.2014

Na první pohled se to může zdát nelogické, že je created později než updated, ale logika se dostaví třeba v terénu - hledám, hledám a nic. Podívám se, jak mám stará data a vidím, že jsou aktuální k 1.1.2014 a dnes je 7.1.2014, takže se keš mohla ztratit.

Jediné, co mi nefunguje, že Locus ignoruje mnou nastavené datum poslední aktualizace a nezobrazuje ho.
I have to agree with Petulinka1, only waypoint type is significant and unambiguous. Everything else is quite unpredictable. :-)

To the second point - you are talking about personal note to whole cache, not only waypoint. See attached screenshot (from new addon's version). After the bold text is personal note only for this WP (before the bold text is owner's description). So, I have solved this issue and "no action needed" now. But if you want, you can add field to Locus for clear handling these personal notes. :)

Ad 3: That explain a lot. :-) When I update cache with GC4Locus addon I see "Last update" field (see attachment), so, it is obviously possible to set this value.
I set it in this way:
Date date = new Date();
gcData.dateCreated = date.getTime();
gcData.lastUpdated = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex("dtupdate2"));

Current beta version is downloadable from
Another minor problem:
I'm setting fields "dateCreated" and "lastUpdated" in class GeocachingData and no matter what I set, I see actuall date and time when I click on a cache in field "Created:" and no field "Updated:".

I think, that information about update could be important to know how old are data in listing and so on. In my case (importing from Geoget) would by lastUpdated date before dateCreated.

I have taken a look into your sample project, but you don't work with these dates so it doesn't answer my questions.

Thank you.
Ad 1) So, during the reading from geoget database, I can detect cache with final waypoint in two ways - according the type of waypoint (GeocachingWaypoint.CACHE_WAYPOINT_TYPE_FINAL) and according to waypoint's flag ( - see table "waypoint" and column "flag").
What should I do so user with checked "move to final coords" will see red star in the corner and icon on final coords?

Is setting GeocachingWaypoint.type = GeocachingWaypoint.CACHE_WAYPOINT_TYPE_FINAL not enough?
Would be condition
if (GeocachingWaypoint.type == GeocachingWaypoint.CACHE_WAYPOINT_TYPE_FINAL || flag == 2){
    gcData.computed = true;


BTW FYI, final waypoints are in Geoget with prefix Fx, where x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}.

[CZE for better understanding :-)]
Mám v databázi Geogetu staženou keš přes API, u které mám přepsané souřadnice na webu. V geogetu tedy vidím nový WP a to: Prefix=F0, Druh=Final Location, Název=Coordinate Override, Flag=2 a nenulové souřadnice.

Momentálně v addonu testuji onen flag a pokud je 2, tak nastavuji gcData.computed = true; a nic víc. V Locusu potom po importu vidím ikonku na výchozích souřadnicích s hvězdičkou. Když jsem u jiné keše změnil pouze prefix z F0 na FI, flag zůstal 2, tak se nic nezměnilo. Pokud změním prefix z F0 na FI a zároven změním flag na 0 (to dělá GG automaticky při editaci), tak mám keš přesunutou na nové souřadnice, ale je bez hvězdičky.

Není mi tedy jasné, co musím a jak nastavit, aby byl výsledek ten, že keš bude na nových souřadnicích a zároven bude mít hvězdičku. Z tvé poslední odpovědi mi není jasné, jestli keš ohvězdičkuje Locus sám, když narazí na WP s prefixem FI.

Takže abych to shrnul, jak musí být nastaveny hodnoty, aby mohl být proveden přesun a přidána hvězdička?
[EN]To sum it up, how to set these fields so that Locus can move the cache and add red star to its icon?
GeocachingWaypoint.type = ?
GeocachingWaypoint.code = ? = ?
Waypoint.gcData.computed = ?
something else = ?

Ad 2) In this description could be information from listing such as "Parkovani u Nemojanskeho mlyna" from listing In geoget, there is also another field for your own personal note, such as code to lock at final coords and I have been asked whether is it possible to import this information into Locus. So I add this personal note right behind the owner's note.

Thank you in advance! :-)
I have question, how Locus recognizes that cache (during import) is computed and moves it to final coords? (checkbox in Locus is checked)

And another question: It seems that in field GeocachingWaypoint.desc can be HTML tags but when I edit that WP I see HTML tags - is it expected behavior?
Is it possible that problem is in old (not latest) version of ADT bundle? I have just downloaded the latest one and now everything seems working...

(The video I sent to you is with the previous version)