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Messages - rvheddeg

Could you remove the spin control for the amount of geocaches and replace it with a edit box where we just could change the amount. I find myself scrolling from 200 to 10, or 50  and then back to 200...
Or maybe you could add an editable combobox where you remember the last 10 amounts. This is the most flexible and user friendly.
Navigation & Guidance / Re: Navigation on all tracks
December 09, 2013, 22:20:11
Just to tell you that I've uploaded 'nl.tts' at Google Docs following your earlier instructions. I hope this works for Dutch also.
@Henk: I know :-). I think I was not making myself very clear. What I meant was that the explanation in Dutch in the Quick Switch menu is wrong/confusing. That's all
@Henk: "You can also tap on the text left from the on off button to get the beep settings menu."
This doesn't work for me in the "Quick Switch" in
@Henk & Menion: About " (missing) of guiding sound on/off in the Quick Switcher": It was completely gone in the latest release, I have searched like crazy for it. I found now that it's being renamed to "Waypoints", but the accompanying explanation makes no sense (in Dutch). Translated in English it says:"Here you can set how the track messages work". That's not correct, you can only enable or disable the guiding sound.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Cache expiration time
January 16, 2012, 14:49:45
Hi, this option worked very well until I wanted to clear this setting. That was not allowed. OK, I said to myself, maybe 0 (zero) would do the trick. Alas, this is the opposite from what I wanted, AND I couldn't change it anymore! The only setting that I now see for this map is "Information".

I could reproduce this bug/feature? consistently.

1) Please add a way to clear this setting
2) I want to be able to change this value from my maps now. Continuous refreshing tiles is the opposite from what I was aiming...

Version is 1.16.1
Under review / Re: Refresh of already cached tiles
January 02, 2012, 22:12:22
I'm also very interested in this functionality. Is this already implemented? If yes, how could I use this?


Troubles & Questions / Re: Cache expiration time
January 02, 2012, 22:08:08
How could I access this option?