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Messages - Scylla

Troubles & Questions / Re: Garmin Map conversion
January 30, 2012, 18:59:31
At last I have some time to deal with the conversion. I thought I should share the result I achieved.

I improve the python script a bit, so it can now deal with the utf-8 names which makes it more usable I suppose.
The second modification was to change the file format from version 0.5 to 0.6, because the compiler from the OSM site doesn't like the old format anymore. (I now that the old version accessible too, but everything must evolve.)

The converted file made by the modified script now accepted by the OSM compiler, though I wasn't able to compile it into the Locus understandable format because of a missing java library. If I succeed I will inform you.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Garmin Map conversion
December 11, 2011, 14:52:39
Yes, I have problem with the character encoding too, because my maps contains tons of hungarian special characters.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Garmin Map conversion
December 06, 2011, 14:11:33
OK, I understand. It seemed to me, you interested in that topic.
I'm going to make a try with those python script with 8G RAM, when I will have a little time.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Garmin Map conversion
December 03, 2011, 18:48:36
The maps from are an "open source" project. The maps were built from public sources and mainly from tracklogs. (Similar to OSM, but older, and focusing mainly hiking.) They publis the maps in Garmin format. They are downloadable after a simple registration. Because this page accessible in hungarian only I downloaded and put the file into my dropbox public folder.
From this page: // you can download it.
According the legal notice on the page the file downloadable for own purposes and it's not allowed to make publicly available without written permission, so I encrypted the file. I send you the password as private message if you agree: please provide an email address. If you don't need the link anymore, please let me know and I delete it.
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon - Geocaching
December 01, 2011, 18:23:52
I made the hungarian translation.

I have intention to make a variant of your program in favour of the hungarian cacher community /ok: in favour of me :-)/ which should do the same in Hungary. We have an own site in hungarian ( which have an own set of caches. Lots of people use both of them but there is no such program which can use them together. Now I downloaded the caches from with your addin into the category gcom, and the hungarian caches into the category ghu, but I only have the possibility to download it from the webpage wich is handled by Locus, but not convenient and the gpx file contains lots of bad data. This is why I thought, that I would need something similar. But I don't want to reuse your program without your permission.

Troubles & Questions / Re: Garmin Map conversion
December 01, 2011, 16:47:57
Until recently I was using Navitel for geocaching under Windows Mobile. Now I found Locus Pro and like it, but I'd like to use vector maps instead of online, although Locus provide me the best online map for Hungary ( From this site you can download the whole map in Garmin format. So +1 vote for Garmin *.img format support. Of course it's the same if there is an import feature or native use.
You can reach here the maps (only in hungarian, but in case of interest i'm going to help you): //