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Messages - Kuratkoo

Other features / Re: Addon - GeoGet Database
March 15, 2012, 14:55:19

what about new version of addon? Same issue?
If you set "no limit" and 99km, there should be problem with RAM memory in your phone.. Don't know. Could you please send me log? ... tb.alogcat
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon GSAK database
February 11, 2012, 13:28:04
Well, I think, I do it. But I will check it soon.
Add-ons & Co-apps / GSAK database
December 15, 2011, 20:50:52
Author had stopped the development due to his being too busy elsewhere. However, the code of the add-on is open for development by somebody else:

After GeoGet database addon comes new addon – GSAK database. Do you know GSAK? GSAK is geocache manager, where you can manage your final waypoints, add notes or waypoints to geocache or import/export geocache from/to GSAK.

This addon provide connection between GSAK database, where geocaches are save, and Locus, great map tool for Android! So you can view all your GSAK geocache in Locus, manage final waypoints, view listing, etc. And everything offline!

It's simple – install plugin, copy your GSAK database to SD card, setup addon and run Locus. And just import geocaches.

1. Set correct path to GSAK database on your SD card
2. Change filter in settings, if you want
3a. Add this addon on right-side panel and click on it.
3b. Tap on map (hold finger), select last icon in bottom menu – Settings and select Load GSAK geocaches.
4. Done!

v1.0 - 2011-12-15
* Initial release
Declined / Re: Linking Latitude
December 15, 2011, 17:19:12
Some teaser for Latitude History viewer

Other features / Re: Addon - GeoGet Database
December 13, 2011, 21:26:21
v1.3 - 2011-12-13
* fix issue with negative coords
* little speed improve
Other features / Re: Addon - GeoGet Database
December 04, 2011, 19:42:26
v1.2 - 2011-12-04
* Correct display of geocaches with final waypoint
* Option to filter geocaches by "archived"
Other features / Re: Addon - GeoGet Database
December 04, 2011, 14:10:14
Tak jsem to zkusil, a me se nalezena kesky zobrazuji v poradku? Zkus napsat na muj Google Talk"> a domluvime se.
Other features / Re: Addon - GeoGet Database
December 04, 2011, 10:40:34
Vydána aktualizace v1.1, která umožňuje načítat kešky podle středu mapy pouze kliknutím na addon (musíte si ho hodit na pravý panel nebo přes menu ve Funkcích).
Other features / Re: Addon - GeoGet Database
December 03, 2011, 09:54:13
Quote from: "ivosak57"- Když není v Locusu v nastavení "Hlavní" zaškrtnuto "Povolit hledání adresy", pak není jak vyvolat načtení keší.
Ahoj, vyvolat nacteni kesi lze pres jakykoliv jiny bod v mape. Jinak mas asi pravdu, jinak to nejde :)
Quote from: "ivosak57"- Nevím, kde se berou ikony pro načtené keše, ale uvítal bych možnost (třeba volitelnou), že se ikony zobrazí tak, jak je v Locusu zvykem, tedy podle nastavení v Kategoriích.
O tom nerozhoduje muj addon, ale primo Locus. Ja pouze do nej nahraju kesky.
Other features / Re: Addon - GeoGet Database
December 02, 2011, 22:08:38
New Locus version is out. So you can download and try this addon  :)
Other features / Addon - GeoGet Database
December 02, 2011, 09:53:30
Since new version of Locus 1.14.6 comes new addon – GeoGet database. Do you know GeoGet? GeoGet is geocache manager, where you can manage your final waypoints, add notes or waypoints to geocache or import/export geocache from/to GeoGet.

This addon provide connection between GeoGet database, where geocaches are save, and Locus, great map tool for Android! So you can view all your GeoGet geocache in Locus, manage final waypoints, view listing, etc. And everything offline!

It's simple – install plugin, copy your GeoGet database to SD card, setup addon and run Locus. And just import geocaches.

Android Market: //

Support development: Paypal

1. Set correct path to GeoGet database on your SD card
2. Change filter in settings, if you want
3. Open Locus, tap on map (hold finger), select last icon in bottom menu – Settings and select Load GeoGet geocaches.
4. Done!

v1.3 - 2011-12-13
* fix issue with negative coords
* little speed improve

v1.2 - 2011-12-04
* Correct display of geocaches with final waypoint
* Option to filter geocaches by "archived"

v1.1 - 2011-12-04
* Able to load caches from right-side panel (by add function). Position from center of map
* Some fixies

Developers / [CZ] PointGeocachingAttributes
November 23, 2011, 19:42:14

jak se tohle vlastne pouziva? Muzu nastavovat pouze podle URL obrazku nebo ID?

V Geocachingu take plati, ze atribut muze mit 2 varianty. Napriklad: dogs - no dogs. Jak je tohle resene?

Developers / Re: PointGeocachingData - owner
November 22, 2011, 15:04:11
Ha! Great. It works! Thanks.
Developers / PointGeocachingData - owner
November 22, 2011, 14:25:42

I make new PointGeocachingData, set some data. I also set owner of geocache and all this stuff I send via API to Locus. Everything is OK, but owner name is not available.

PointGeocachingData gcData = new PointGeocachingData();
gcData.owner = "AAAA";

Thanks for some help,