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Messages - kerenoc

Thanks for the link. Still searching for the code specific to USGS maps (especially to remove maps collars).
Quote from: "mark03"So the whole thing is done using open-source tools, and best of all, it's entirely at the command line--no GUIs.  Scriptable FTW  :D
I'm trying to process the tracks from my last summer vacation in Soutwest USA and I need to re-process the USGS maps I had stichted using various tools (including Maptiler and Mobac). As I'm also a Python user, I'm interested in the scripts that seems to automate this process. Is there any chance that they could be shared, in an open source spirit?
Troubles & Questions / Re: Joining Maps
March 21, 2012, 10:34:27
If you kept the original tiles or are able to extract them from the maps files you have, you may merge their directories in a single one and have Mobac use it to generate the big map in a Locus compatible format.

I've been doing this for topo maps in France.
After some searching on the web, I found a small open source program Quadjoin written by Frank Glandorf that does exactly that I wanted, stitching 7.5 topo maps. When tested on the Grand Canyon area after some Maptiler processing, I found a little offset of a few meters on longitude but it is also present in the original geotif files from the USGS (using the projection description included in the file).

Vive le web et l'open source (as we say in French)!

I'm a very happy user of Locus and I use it with topographic maps from France generated with GDAL/MapTiler and Mobac (a tool chain very similar to the one used by pvb.

Planning a trip to the US, I'd like to do the same with USGS topo maps. So far, the TIFF or PDF maps of the 7.5 series I've found all include a border around the real map containing the legend. This border is annoying if you want to stitch several maps together before generating the Locus maps (for example, to cover the whole Yosemite valley in a single database) as the maps overlap. Does anyone know a way to automate (with Python for example) the stitching process? In theory, one should be able to calculate the georeferences of the 4 topo map corners within the larger map.

Alternatively, does anyone know a tile server for this kind of map?
The spoiler modification is working fine on an Asus Transformer tablet and an HTC Desire phone. Thanks
It's working fine on a Galaxy S2 2.3.3. Will test that on an Honeycomb tablet at home.

Quote from: "menion"let me know, what else is "needed"
While you're at it...
Quote from: "kerenoc"It would also be great if that Locus popup windows was available once in the cache description tabs (in the companion application). For example, to go smoothlessly  from the waypoint list to a cache description then to the cache location on the map.
What about a menu item to go directly to the map view centered on the cache, in the menu where one can choose either compass, guidance activation or navigation?

Anyhow many thanks for the great and quick support! I'm really glad I went for the pro version!
Quote from: "menion"If you can generate for me some sample and send me some exported directory together with GPX file containing cache data, it will be more then welcome
Here is a zip archive of the directory generated by SpoilerSync
using this GPX file as input

Migrating to the latest SpoilerSync version, I discovered that it seems to have some problems parsing the (who doesn't?) and generates dummy ".png" files that can be ignored.
Quote from: "menion"SpoilerSync only do some directory structure that contain images for caches right?

SpoilerSync, the way I use it, generates a flat directory containing the images (their name starts with the GC code), an HTML file for each cache (with links to the images) and an index.html file linking to all the HTML files. The idea would be to open the file GCxxxx.html in the browser or in a WebView widget and use it to display the images.
I'm a very happy user of Locus Pro for geocaching but I still miss spoilers pictures support.

I used to geocache with the open source CacheBox application for Windows Mobile that allowed to access offline spoiler pictures stored using the SpoilerSync program. Such a support would be great (at least for me).

I'm thinking of developping a small app to catch any Android intent associated with a URL and then display SpoilerSync pictures if available locally on the phone or tablet. In that scenario, from Locus, one could access the spoiler pictures when clicking on the geocache code in the popup window that appear when one clic on a cache icon. Unfortunately, the link used currently by Locus uses the geocache guid instead of the cache code that is necessary for SpoilerSync :-( Currently I have my SpoilerSync index page openned in a browser and I need to remember the geocache code (good Alzheimer prevention!).

It would also be great if that Locus popup windows was available once in the cache description tabs (in the companion application). For example, to go smoothlessly  from the waypoint list to a cache description then to the cache location on the map.