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Messages - Newlands

Troubles & Questions / Route restrictions
October 07, 2023, 01:06:12
I just started playing with the new routing engine in 4.19 and found something very discouraging : Locus now refuses to route on private roads, even in Walk mode or when I draw manual lines to get to the private roads. 

This makes it very difficult for those of use who use private land with permission, including private forests and cemeteries.

It would be sweet to have a setting that allows private road, trail and theough-gate routing. At very least we should be able to manually route around gates and generate road routes on private land.
I just reset my settings in the app (Android 4.x) and now I get messages saying that I need to subscribe for features -- but I'm already a "Gold" subscriber.
How do I re-link my subscription to the app?
Themes - Vector maps / Themes for Version 4 (Android)
September 19, 2023, 05:22:47
Where can I find themes for the new Locus (4)?  When I go to themes, only 4 are listed and the Store is empty...
Troubles & Questions / Altitude Units (Locus 4)
September 19, 2023, 05:19:22
I'm using LoMaps with Locus 4 (Android) and the altitude units on the map do not match my settings (Imperial/Ft).  The altitude display on the reticule is correct (in Ft), but the contours and points are shown in meters.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Map detail scaling
September 19, 2023, 05:08:12
In the new Locus (4?), I only see four themes: Hike & Bike, Ski, City and Road...
Clicking the + button takes me to the store, but there is "no data to display here".
Where can I find themes for the new version?
Troubles & Questions / Map detail scaling
September 09, 2023, 02:47:48
I'm in a remote place where there are lots of unpaved roads and a few small towns far apart. Unfortunately Locus's default scaling makes it really hard to make sense of where I should go.  If I zoom out to where I can see my destination, the screen becomes almost blank and when I am zoomed in enough to see the roads I really can't tell where they might lead...   

Is there a simple way tell Locus (new or old version) to show more detail when zoomed out?

