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Messages - ftheelen

Tools / LoRouter routing profiles
August 12, 2023, 12:26:29

How is determined what the "Parameter" values are in the settings of LoRouter (or Brouter)? These are profile-dependent, but cannot find a matching variable in the corresponding *.brf files where the profiles are defined.

Application - am creating/experimenting with custom routing profiles for offroad motorcycle navigation and am curious.

If there is an other (e.g. brouter) related forum of documentation, please let me know.


Hi all,

I am looking for a new tablet for motorcycle (rally raid) navigation. The choice will be very likely a trade-off between various specs (screen brightness, plug and play solution, tablet performance specs).
The performance specs of the Tablet (CPU, RAM memory) will be one element.

What are the required specs to have Locus function well (i.e. speeds for map refresh between 50 and 120 km/hour, 8'' screen, mainly used for following a track, but also map switching between various maps, some usage of brouter for routing).
Currently the options are 4GB RAM (Android 10) vs. 12 GB of RAM (Android) 12. I.e. is the  4 GB of RAM sufficient?

Then the second question:
Are there external GPS receivers (linked to Android) that can be recommended. Precision, robustness and high frequency updates are the main requirements here.

Thanks in advance.
