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Messages - Marek Scholtz

Hi @Graf Geo,

you are right, there is no way to edit caption when the photo is already uploaded. Implementation of this feature does not have high priority for now, but we will consider it in future plannings.
Quote from: T-mo on May 22, 2024, 20:28:17It works!!
99% flawlessly.
The 1% is at app-start and changes if some fullscreen-dialog is entered  e.g. settings, so it's more 0.5%.
This 0.5% was solved once, but sometimes things change.
It's just feedback to optimize LM.
If you have doublechecked the mechanism and code and it's superduper-tricky at all, then nothing to complain and good to know.
I just have coded too much in my life to sometimes not recognize unknown barriers.

Hi @T-mo,

thank you for your feedback! Your problem should be resolved in the next version. Please, let us know afterwards.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Set custom camera app
April 25, 2024, 18:18:59
Hi @balloni55,

the option is visible only on Android 13+, because on lower versions the system is properly asking which camera app you want to use for capturing photo or recording video. On Android 13+, system automatically opens your system camera app so you are not able to choose third-party camera apps.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Set custom camera app
April 25, 2024, 08:35:14
Hi Will,

you have a typo in package name. You should use ``. On my side it works correctly.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.18.+ ( 8/2023 )
August 09, 2023, 09:11:05
@Andrew Heard

The fix will be available in the next version.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.18.+ ( 8/2023 )
August 08, 2023, 08:50:33
Hi guys,

@freischneider @Graf Geo @Andrew Heard @Tapio @joeloc

thank you for your feedback, that at least red push pin works. Now, we have updated also POI handling to new Google Maps format and hopefully they won't change it in a month. If you encounter silly URL in search window in the next release version, check if you are on latest Google Maps version and if yes, let us know.
Hi guys,

handling Google Maps share button should be fixed. Please check the next version of Locus Map and if you still encounter some problems, please let us know.
Hi @joeloc, @Andrew Heard

which version of Google Maps app are you using? It seems that there were changes in what is Google sharing from app.
Other features / Re: Online search
July 11, 2023, 09:43:08
Hi guys,

there were some small changes in handling point sharing from Google Maps to Locus Map. If you encounter problems also in next version, please, let us know.
Other features / Re: Online search
May 09, 2023, 16:36:43
Hi guys, new version has been released with some fixes and improvements. Thank you for feedback!

2. It is definitely not the end of search rework. 🙂
3. For places third party service is used, so we don't have full control over it.
5. Yes, it was shaking for years, so we disabled animation.
(8.) if you are zoomed enough and all points from the selected category are already displayed, we show also points from another categories. There is the same solution on web.
(9.) Should be discussed next weeks.
Other features / Online search
May 05, 2023, 22:23:08
Hi guys, I am glad to introduce our new version of online search system. It consists of two main sections:

1. Suggestions

  • Provides 4 main types of suggestions (Historical searches, Categories, Pois and Places)
  • Historical searches are available for both logged in and not logged in users and each item can be deleted by trash icon.
  • Click on category navigates to Results above map section.
  • If user is not satisfied with suggestions and exact term is already typed, pressing search icon on keyboard navigates also to Results above map.

2. Results above map

  • Shows items from previously selected category or results by exact term.
  • In case of category, results are reloaded automatically by map movement, otherwise Search this area button is available.
  • First visible item in result list is highlighted on map.

Regarding implementation - tree of four "segments" are in house built from scratch, and can be somehow "fixed", or "adjusted". These are history, category, point of interest. Category search is based on language specific dictionaries written by some of the Locus community translators. (Thanks again!). These can also be adjusted or even build for new languages - currently EN, DE, CS, PL, IT is supported, other languages just work in the very bare bone sense. For places (towns, cities, villages, admin. boundaries, streets, street numbers), some third party service is used. There is rather slim chance we can "fix" it, unfortunately.

New online search is available from version ( Thank you in advance for all feedback!
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.12.+ ( 09/2022 )
September 30, 2022, 08:08:46
Hi @settler, thank you for question.

Fullscreen mode was added to Locus, when Android did not support translucent status bar and navigation bar. Both system bars were pinned to the screen without possibility to style them. The only option was to hide them to increase space for application (fullscreen mode). Over time, options to style system bars were added and also from 2018 there are many devices with notch, which are unusable with fullscreen mode, because some important UI elements are hidden behind notch. So we decided to delete fullscreen mode from application and improve UI in map screens, so the map is properly visible behind system bars in both orientations. On the other screens, fullscreen mode does not make sense at all.
Quote from: balloni55 on July 27, 2022, 12:45:40
Quoteoption to limit LoPoint photo uploading with wifi-only setting
where can i find this setting option

Hi @balloni55,

wifi only connection switch is present in Settings in Miscellaneous section.