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Messages - Paketenwerfer

Settings - Navigation - Route -recalculation
I set to Route priority and 40m distance. Then leave this window and navigate. I often notice that the route is not recalculated when I leave the route. Then I check the settings and see that it has been reset to No recalculation and 100m. I set again my preferred settings, leave the window and check back and sometimes it has been reset again in those few seconds.
Route recalculation is important! It's the reason why I bought Pro.
Locus Map Pro latest version. I noticed this behavior in the last few months.
'Merge points with imported track' does the trick. I've been searching for so long!
Works now in Locus Map 3.
Quote from: 0709 on January 23, 2022, 11:21:20
Still works as usual and correctly. See attachment: Laarne - 2.5km.gpx
I just found out there is Locus Map 4, which is something else than Locus Map Pro (3). Two versions in parallel  :-\
It works in Locus Map 4. But it have never found that feature in 3 since 2020, which worked fine until then. Just makes it very complicated.
This feature stopped working in Locus Map Pro some time in 2020. Since then it only offers turn instructions according to the shape of the track, which is useless.
I sometimes want to create a route with brouter-web with Locus-style turn instructions and I'd like Locus to actually say them. That was the most useful feature for me.
Hallo, ich tu immer gern Tracks in Routen konvertieren mit Brouter Web. Dazu benutze ich ein Brouter Profil das Abbiegeanweisungen für Locus generiert. Das funktioniert auch, wie es scheint. Am Anfang des gpx files sind lauter Abbiegeanweisungen. Aber seit meinen letzten Versuchen tut Locus nicht mehr diese Anweisungen ansagen, sondern eigene, die nur auf der Form der Route basieren, was unbrauchbar ist.
Also früher/letztes Jahr hat das mal funktioniert. Kann da jemend Licht reinbringen?