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Messages - bruno60

I created a track in Basecamp with a couple of waypoints and imported the GPX on Locus.
The track is imported correctly but there are no waypoints embedded.

Tried also with Land (TwoNav) but i get same results.

The waypoints are present inside the gpx file but in the imported track locus say "nothing here yet"

what am I doing wrong ?

In the gpx file the waypoints are represented in this way:
<trkpt lat="42.760227" lon="13.329184">
        <sym>Blue Flag</sym>
Maps / Re: LIDAR 1" Srtm data
November 05, 2022, 12:19:33
Ok, I realized that I missed to download a tile of Italy area from

After I downloaded the last tile and cleaned the cache everything seems fine with 1"  srtm.

Maps / Re: LIDAR 1" Srtm data
November 02, 2022, 17:56:15
Just copied back the 1" datasets.

What happens is this:
Hill shading is not consistent across all Italy country. At some zoom level you see some tiles that are ok and other that are flat.

For example: load LoMaps Italy north and set zoom level at 12x then move the map center over Arezzo city at N 43° 27.289', E 011° 52.219'

You see that the shading is ok over Arezzo but is missing to the right of this location.

I noticed also that the cursor gives me a question mark in place of the height where the shading is missing.

Similar behavior have Italy oam maps but in different locations.

I try to guess.. maybe the hgt tile names does not match with what the software expects at some zoom levels?
Maps / Re: LIDAR 1" Srtm data
November 02, 2022, 13:43:57
Hi Menion,
I didn't note the zoom level which makes disappear the hill shading but I'm sure that using 3" srtm the problem doesn't happen at any zoom level.

Now I restored the 3" data but will test again with 1" as soon as I go back home.

I  do not use the zoom buttons but use two fingers to zoom, will try also as you suggest
Maps / Re: LIDAR 1" Srtm data
November 02, 2022, 07:51:06
Hi Michael,

I can understand this but it happens at high zoom level (zooming in).

Maps / LIDAR 1" Srtm data
November 01, 2022, 22:51:44
Hi guys,  is it possible to use 1" srtm data ?

I downloaded 1" srtm data of Italy from but not sure it's completely supported by locus.

What happens is that hill shading works only when maps is zoomed out. 
If you zoom in beyond a certain level hill shading gets deactivated.

It happens both with Oam maps and LoMaps
Maps / Re: Duplicated contour lines in Lomaps
November 01, 2022, 19:30:27
Hi Balloni55,
Sorry I misunderstood your question.

Oam maps are V5 with Elevate v5 theme.

Anyway it seems that the problem was the automatic map loading. 

Now I disabled and so far I never saw the problem.
Maps / Re: Duplicated contour lines in Lomaps
November 01, 2022, 19:21:36
Hi Viajero Perdido,

It seems you got it,  I recently enabled automatic map loading to use some scanned map I created.

Disabling this feature the problem seems to be gone.
Maps / Re: Duplicated contour lines in Lomaps
November 01, 2022, 18:20:43
Quote from: balloni55 on November 01, 2022, 16:22:13Hello Bruno
which map theme do you use with LoMaps(V3)?

since now i have this problem only with different V4+ maps and different map themes


Hello Balloni
I use hike & bike theme. 
What do you mean by lomaps v3?  I just have locus v4 installed.

I have to say that as soon as I switch to the Lomaps the contour lines are ok but after some zooming and moving the problem appears.

I also have Oam map and it is ok.
Maps / Duplicated contour lines in Lomaps
November 01, 2022, 15:08:45
Hi guys,  I'm using locus maps 4.12.1 and  purchased Lomaps Italy north dated 15.8.2022.

I just realized that I have double contour lines,  which could be the problem?

See attached a screenshot.

Any help is welcomed.You cannot view this attachment.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Problem with dashboard
September 12, 2021, 21:33:53
This is an update after some testing with elevation gain/loss in dashboard.
I changed settings in altitude manager. In "Srtm data"I had "don't use"  and gps data was very jumpy. Now I'm testing with "replace gps values" and the exaggeration disappeared, now I have reasonable values in dashboard when recording.

Next option is to try also "optimize gps values"  but if the gps values were so wrong  I think it's no use optimising them. It seems better to replace.

Be careful on moving locus 4  from  SD card to internal memory (or  the other way around), the process copy also data (track,points, overwriting files with same name? )and then deletes the files from original location.

Suggested to do a backup in both version before moving.
Hi Menion,
Always recorded on field, but this exaggeration is not justified by gps jumps.
After saving the same track the elevation gain/loss are much more reasonable even if some gps elevation error is still present.
The problem seems to happen only in dashboard during live recording. After saving the track I have just a small error which is acceptable.

I just moved from Locus Pro to locus 4 and I have only a few use cases but I always got largely wrong numbers while dashboard gain/loss in Locus Pro was completely reasonable
Troubles & Questions / Problem with dashboard
August 15, 2021, 20:44:28
I created my dashboard for hiking and included elevation gain and elevation loss but their values are completely wrong.

I always get exaggerated  values ,  today, in the mid of  a trekking, after only 400mt ascent,  the dashboard was displaying 9 thousands meters gain. Both gain and loss Values are always very high.

It was working fine in locus map Pro.
Hi Michal,
Clear, I will move locus 4 from sd card to internal memory but what have I to do to move also  tracks and points which now are on sd card and merge  with existing locus Pro objects?