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Messages - attroll

I was referring to the two apps in the app store.
Are you saging that the Locus Map Pro Navigation app is only for the Gold subscription?
I have looked around and can't find anywhere that explains this. What is the difference between Locus Map 4 Outdoor Navigation and Locus Map Pro Navigation apps?
I figured that I could just leave the maps running in the background and it would eleveate the initialization issue when ever I went back to the map. I thought I read it somewhere that it would not keep initializing if I did that. However, that is not the case it still keeps initializing.
I was just concerned and wondering why it took so long.
I have the same tracks and waypoints on a few other GPS programs that I use on my phone, and they load up instantaneously. It seems that there is a lot more processing that go on to load Locus Maps.
Quote from: Menion on May 23, 2021, 20:27:00
Hi guys,
as Michael wrote, it is similar problem. The question is if the reason is the same.
In the case of Michael, it is a combination of the huge amount of maps, Android 11, and some weird unknown problem that case re-init of the maps from time to time.

Do you see in the loading dialog and info about what is the app doing for such a long time? Maybe there are just too many points&tracks on the map?
What is is doing that is taking so long is "Reloading trips and caches:.
Troubles & Questions / Boot up initialization
May 23, 2021, 01:56:18
When I start Locus Maps on my phone it does this initializing process each time.
Is this necessary?
Or is there a way to get it to boot up faster?
I do not want to leave the map running in the background constantly because it will put a drain on my battery. I only run it when I need it.
Sometimes when I want to bring up Locus Maps quickly while I am driving to plot something I see before I get to far past it, this makes it impossible because it takes about 45 seconds to boot up.
Is there a way around this?

I am new to Locus and am totally amazed at what I see so far, I am loving it.
I have quite a few questions, but I do not want to bombard them here all at once so I will start with the two major things that I am wanting to do.

I apologize if this has been asked before but I could not find the answers.
I want to be able to work on my desktop and get tall my waypoints and tracks all organized.
Then I want to sync them with my phone.
I do not see any way to do this with my desktop. I only see where the tracks are synced.
Is this possible to work with the waypoints and tracks on the web then sync them with the phone after?

I can sync my tracks with the planner on the web, but I cannot figure out how to display all the tracks at the same time. It appears that I can only click on the track and only display one at a time.
Is there a way to display all the tracks on the map at once?
