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Messages - voldapet

Huge amount of lines and points that has to be rendered in zoom-level 9 -11 this is weakness that complicate usage of vector maps. It's our task for the next year to prepare simplified vector maps for mentioned zoom-levels.Sometimes also some lines are missing for zoom-level 11

New vector maps for Japan have the same version number 2014-11-10. For this reason you can download them for free. So open store > find the problematic japan map  and choose "Remove" after that start downloading again.
sorry for troubles and thank you for report. We've generated new vector maps for Japan and they are available in Locus store - please download it again (the version code is stil 2014-11-10) But there are still some weakness for level 9-11 we need to focus on in next months.

World map
this map is separated from standard vector maps and it should work properly. Maybe one question are you on the latest Locus version 3.5.3 ? There were some changes related with world map.
Thank you
Maps / Re: Downloading maps
December 30, 2014, 08:29:07
Offline vector maps are really in "folder" Asamm SW. I only notice that vector maps is better solution for downloading whole countries because have lower size then downloaded maps from "Online" section and there aren't any limits.

To your issue: I have to say: Thank you! You've found the minor bug in Locus internal themes. Primary, secondary and tertiary highways don't show the name of street/road. It'll be fixed in next release.

You can also try some theme for vector maps from community. Vector maps are rendered directly on your device and you can influence their appearance using themes. See

Some themes for downloading:
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 25, 2014, 08:24:23
Unfortunately it's not a problem. New themes are prepared for new Locus vector maps that contains also the database of POIs. Some captions aren't shown in new themes because with new map lot's of points are click-able and you can quickly get name by clicking on the POI icon.
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 21, 2014, 17:19:32
would you please check the GPS coordinates where are you centered? I mean... are you somewhere inside the Bayern? Anyway I guess that it'll same issue as mentioned missing tiles?
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 21, 2014, 10:39:38
@jusc @menion
Yes. There is really issue with missing tiles. Have you remember the very old issue that some metatiles contains so much data that wasn't generated properly? I guess that this is the issue. I've tried to generate Northrhine-Westfalia again with different setting of zoom-levels but without success

I only guess that menion wanted to have some own version codes for customized map-writer.. :)
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
December 20, 2014, 11:13:32
I guess that map and poi DB were downloaded correctly, am I right? It seems that there is something wrong with downloading of elevation *hgt files. Menion we'll check it

map-writer-0.5.0 - this wrong. We're still on map-writer 0.3.0, sorry for it

map-writer-0.5.0 - das ist falsch. Wir sind immer noch auf der Karte map-writer-0.3.0
Other features / Re: Offline POI database
December 20, 2014, 09:49:39

Icon Size
You're probably right. I can remember that I wanted to have POI icon bigger and also with shading effect to show that icon is "different" – in this case click-able. So why not, I think that this is interesting idea.

Never visible icons/pois
You're right that some icons or POIs are not visible because the themes for vector maps. But from my opinion should themes respect some map standards because POIs and map itself are still little bit separated. The question is – do you really need to have on map Fire station? Dentist or veterinary? I don't think so. I guess that we should improve the integration of POI db into vector maps.  For example to have the same icons in the list and on the map, add possibility to turn-on/off visibility of some group of POIs (independent on the theme). Do not hesitate create feature request on help desk and vote for it...

There were in the first beta version of POIdb. But we've removed them ... let's convince me that public phones are needed  :)
I guess that you've probably seen some changes in topic:

However the changes:

  • all units can be defined as pixels or like dp value which respect different resolution of devices
  • dy for lines
  • curve="cubic" for lines that helps to create smooth curved lines (useful for contour-lines)
  • possibility to define symbol-width symbol-height for symbol element

Possible tags:
Themes - Vector maps / Re: Theme developing question
November 21, 2014, 15:37:40
Quote from: john_percy
This is just for Symbol, not lineSymbol? Am I correct?
Yes, only for Symbol
Themes - Vector maps / Re: Theme developing question
November 20, 2014, 09:08:39

I'm sorry but this is more complicated for us and we aren't able to solve it at this moment. I can only suggest to try join "blue dotted" path into the one long way.

To your proposal about lineSymbol
Unfortunately locus does not support these parameters. But there is small improvement the "symbol" can contain new parametr symbol-width symbol-height. Interesting is also parametr for "line" curve="cubic"  that renders smooth lines. see
Themes - Vector maps / Re: Theme developing question
November 11, 2014, 15:26:07
Sorry this is tricky part we didn't solve yet (at least as I can remember). OSM ways are cropped  in Mapsforge format into MetaTiles and we're not able to link the same way on two metatiles. For this reason is complicated to compute the "gap" along specific way.  Do you know if MapsForge 0.4v enables such rules?
It's little bit out of topic :) Anyway there is already similar feature request on  Unfortunately this ideas is declined at this moment because it's quite difficult to implement it. However you can vote for it :)