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Messages - Menion

uff, good to hear!
hmm not best solution but main is result in this case :)

you're welcome
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon GSAK database
February 25, 2012, 20:46:02
perfect, you're welcome
1. check "View after import" when you import new data
2. update to Locus 2.0.1
akorát se na web nahrává nová verze, tak pak vyzkoušej
I don't know but when I close locus (with confirmation) and then immediately after that go to some task manager, locus after around a 5 sec disappear because is killed by system. How is then possible to take some CPU usage when process is killed?
Quote from: "tramp20"But the problem still exists that the processor runs now at 10 % higher than with locus pro v.1.16.3 and even after stopping the v2.0.0.3 the processor load is 10 % higher as before. I have to reboot the phone to get a deeper load (with the 1.16.3 all is perfect).

what you mean "even after stopping"? When you close Locus by dialog (Yes close), then even after that you have 10% higher CPU usage then with closed 1.16.3? This is not possible because Locus close itself with unix 'kill' command so there will not be any background process or something like this.
Quote from: "gynta"
Quote from: "menion"babi, gynta: ...and when you start locus again, there is different value?
ending with 12 and starts with 7

that's what I needed to know .. fixed
lloks like a conspiracy against new version :)

sukmar: I hope I'll release today new version if all will works fine (Pro is same code as Free version)
babi, gynta: zoom level of vector map or every map? So you end application with zoom let's say 12, and when you start locus again, there is different value?
tramp: are you sure? Seems you're leader of this conspiracy :))
ufff, five hours of searching and testing ... looks like some issue on Android below 3.x (and even just some of them) ...

hmm BOM problem should be solved in Locus

may you share your file (or just part) that do not work, for testing?
Add-ons & Co-apps / Re: Addon GSAK database
February 25, 2012, 09:12:51
sorry guys, problem found and solved. New release will be today or in worst case tomorrow ...
these error are just when you end application, anyway they're not a problem. Did you checked correct version? It's Locus FREE, not Pro version. So you'll probably see ads at top, Shop will not work and version in info screen will be Because for me it works correctly now

EDIT: sorry, in description in app is still, but it's already :)
Huawei is working and same problem on my phone also. Anyway all methods return useless results. So by comparing older codes I changed also one think and it reduces vector maps loading time on U8120 phone from cca 4 minutes to 20 secs. May you suggest me some application that show me processor usage (perfectly in system bar) so I can also check that all is working fine?

Anyway, may someone test this version? Thanks

[s:1thtetz0]test version removed[/s:1thtetz0]
Hello Starman, did you know that I even created special topic about you?? viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1530&p=9190 (if that was you)

Anyway about issue:
 - I was talking with berkley by icq and he had similar problem few days ago on one testing version. After phone restart, everything fine (also now)
 - no success with Huawei still, anyway I was comparing codes (current with older) and found one small difference. It will probably not solve this issue, but please, try anyone this regular free version and let me know, thanks ...


ah yes, and Starman, I'm not sure if I understand. May you describe issue with file ending better for me? Thanks ...